Scholarship for African Students in New Zealand

About the Scholarship:

Every year, New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDs) offer several scholarship opportunities people from targeted African countries to undertake development-related studies at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand. New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) give candidates from selected developing countries an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills through study in specific subject areasthat will assist in the development of their home country. Awardees should be able to return to their home country (as a minimum requirement) for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society or private business organisations.
The New Zealand Development Scholarships are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s Overseas Aid and Development Programme, and managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Fields of study:

Preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate to possess the following traits:
Strong academic ability, leadership qualities, and a commitment to the development of their home country. Candidates aged 39 years or younger at the time of commencing their scholarship will have preference for the award of this scholarship.
The candidates who apply for the following listed disciplines of study will have preference for the award of this scholarship.
In Agriculture:
  • Agri-business management, agricultural economics, agricultural systems and management, rural development, domestic supply chains and distribution, Natural Resource and Environmental Management
  • Biology, vegetable production, livestock/animal husbandry, crop management, sericulture (silk production), forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, agricultural pest management
  • Phytosanitary, bio-security, biotechnology, agricultural trade
  • Food production, food sciences/technology, post-harvest processing, food storage and packaging, food safety
In Renewable energy:
  • Geothermal, solar, hydro engineering and wind energy, renewable energy distribution systems

Who can apply for this scholarship?

Applicants must meet the following conditions to be eligible for a New Zealand Scholarship:
  • Be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of commencing your scholarship.
  • Be a citizen of the country from which you are applying for a scholarship.
  • Not have citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, European Union countries, United Kingdom, Japan, Israel, South Korea, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia.
  • Have resided in your home country for at least two years immediately prior to commencing your scholarship.
  • Have at least 2 years of work experience (part time or full time, paid or voluntary).
  • Not currently serving as a military personnel.
  • Ability to satisfy immigration requirements for international student entry into New Zealand or the country in which you will undertake your scholarship (i.e. medical checks, police clearances/character checks, background checks, etc.)
  • Academically and linguistically able to obtain an Offer of Place for the proposed programme of study from the tertiary institute where you will undertake your scholarship.
  • Not have been previously terminated from a New Zealand Government Scholarship
  • Seek a qualification that will contribute to the sustainable development of your home country
  • Commit to return to your country for a minimum of 2 years at the end of your scholarship.

What are the benefits for this scholarship?

Highly reputable qualifications from New Zealand’s first-rate education system and well equipped institutions. Access to excellent academic knowledge in quality facilities and professional instructors who have practical understanding of the subject matter.
The scholarships include financial support for tuition, living costs while in New Zealand, and airfares. The partners of students are eligible for a work visa that allows them to live and work in New Zealand for the duration of their partner’s study.

Duration of sponsorship:

The studies for the scholarships are to be taken at New Zealand and the duration of the study lasts as listed below
  • Masters Degree lasts between 1 – 2 years
  • PhD lasts between 3 – 4 years

Eligible Commonwealth countries in Africa include: 

Botswana, Ghana,  Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Cameroon, Seychelles
However, if you come from the following non Commonwealth countries in Africa, you will still be eligible for this opportunity. They include:
Egypt, Algeria, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gambia, Angola, Morocco, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, and Senegal

Application Deadline:

15 April 2016 (paper application)
30 April 2016 (online application)


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