Legal Officer

Kenya Red Cross Society is one of the largest humanitarian organisations in Kenya. Its vision is to be the most effective, trusted and self-sustaining humanitarian organisation in Kenya.

The Society is looking for a qualified person to fill the following position:

Position Title:           Legal Officer (1 Position)

Reporting to:                        SGBV Coordinator

Job Location               Dadaab

Overall Purpose
Reporting to the SGBV Coordinator, the Legal Officer will provide legal advice, conduct trainings and sensitization campaigns in the Dadaab Refugee Operations.

Duties & Responsibilities
·         Liaise with the UNHCR protection officers on issues relating to protection and assistance of refugees
·         Participate and monitor KRCS areas of protection and programme activities in the refugee Camp.
·         Liaise with the camp management coordinator on timely service delivery to the refugees and the INGOs & NGOs in providing legal assistance to the refugees.
·         Organize and facilitate workshops /trainings in consultation with the Head of Operations on children, gender and women related issues.
·         Work closely with the camp management & SGBV teams while providing support on legaladvice to the SGBV survivors and other incidences encountered by the refugee community.
·         Conduct trainings on PSEA, RBA and human rights for all the sectorial committees and KRCS staff.
·         Conduct sensitization campaigns on the refugee act for the community leaders and CPPTS in the camp.
·         Advice /brief SGBV survivors and other clients whenever they are attending court sessions to either listen or act as a witness.

Minimum Qualifications
·         Bachelor’s degree in law
·         Postgraduate Diploma from Kenya School of Law
·         Over two (2) years of experience in a refugee setup.

Key Competencies
·         Ready to work in difficult environmental conditions
·         Strong leadership, team building, conflict resolution and ability to deliver the Society’s strategic objectives
·         Demonstrated proficiency in computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, data-base, email and utilization of the internet

Applications must contain:

Letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, address and contacts of two referees.

All applications should be sent to:

The Secretary General
Kenya Red Cross Society
P. O. Box 40712-00100

So as to reach him not later than Friday, 29thNovember 2013.


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