Opening the door to apply for a Nile Basin countries grant for the academic year 2014-2015 to get a master's degree or doctorate in all scientific and literary disciplines

Alexandria University is announcing (25) Master & Doctoral degree scholarships for The Nile Basin Countries to study in Alexandria University starting the Autumn semester of2014/2015, but the priority will be in some areas forthe following disciplines

The field of Agriculture :-
Animal Productionand FishFarming
Soil Reclamation and Technology
Dairy Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology
Agricultural extension
Field CropsProduction

The field of Science :-
Fisheries &Aquaculture
Mineral Resources
Environmental Management of Water Resources

The field of Veterinary Medicine:-
Infectious Diseases
Fish diseases-Fish Breeding and Production

The scholarships include the waving of tuition fees only for the duration of study (maximum 3 years for master degree and 5 years for doctoral degree). Students should submit their applications,copies of their transcriptsand a medical certificate of HIV testing by mail to The Office of the Vice-President for GraduateStudies &Research22, Tareek El Geish, El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt.
Or by E-mail

The dead line for receiving applications is 30 June 2014
Preference will be for students holding B.Sc. degree withCumulativeGrade Point Average of “B” (65-74%) or above or hold a higher degree in area of his specialty or related areas. Fluency in the language of study (English/French)is a must.

Application Conditions for the Scholarships:
The dead line for receiving applications is end of June 2014
Applications shouldbesentbyE-mail totheOfficeoftheVicePresident for graduate Studies and Research:

The Scholarship is for 3 years for Master degree and 5 years for the Ph.D. and covers the registration fees and Tuition only.
The student should hold a Bachelor degree with Cumulative Grad Points Average B (65% - 74%) or hold a higherdegree in the area of his specialization.

Student's age shouldn't exceed 30 years for the Master degree students and   35 years for thePh.D. students.

Fluency in the language of study is amustand he/she has to provide a Prove ofthat. This condition does not applyfor Students from thecountries speaking the language of study.

Applicants should submit the Certificate of HIV test


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