Associate Research Scientist Positions

The Center's Education Research Program (ERP) is looking to strengthen its research capacity in Learning
Outcome Assessments and Early Childhood Development (ECD). APHRC therefore seeks to urgently recruit Literacy and ECD Experts to work on the ERP.

The successful candidate(s) will have strong analytical and excellent communication skills (written and verbal). S/he must be self-motivated, flexible and intellectually curious.

(a) Literacy Experts
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Contribute to the generation of knowledge around the teaching of literacy and learning practices,
· Support and work collaboratively with the ERP team to design and implement quality education
Research & Development program(s),
· Provide high level technical leadership for ongoing and future ERP research projects that have learning and literacy component(s),
· Synthesize and communicate education research findings to targeted audience,
· Lead in development of relevant survey and assessment tools to evaluate learning outcomes in sub-Sahara Africa,
· Contribute to proposal development, literature review, and scientific writing.

Essential qualifications
· A PhD in linguistics/social linguistics or other relevant social sciences with evidence of strong quantitative and/or qualitative skills,
· At least 3 years of post PhD experience working in a research environment, preferably on a literacy related area.

Desirable attributes
· Demonstrated creativity and innovation in applying teaching and learning best practices and experience to new situations,
· Experience in developing literacy assessment instruments and managing field research projects,
· Evidence of scientific writing which has relevance to education policy and practice,
· Knowledge of literacy best practices; demonstrated experience in field based literacy programming preferred,
· Demonstrated strong problem solving and analytical skills working on research projects in highly challenging environments and able to meet deadlines; and
· Experience working in sub Saharan Africa.

(b) ECD Experts
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Contribute to the generation of knowledge around the teaching and learning during early childhood,
· Support and work collaboratively with the ERP team to design and implement quality early childhood
development R&D program(s),
· Provide high level technical leadership for ongoing and future ERP research projects on early childhood development,
· Synthesize and communicate education research findings to targeted audience,
· Lead in development of relevant survey and assessment tools to evaluate learning and child development outcomes in sub-Sahara Africa,
· Contribute to proposal development, literature review, and scientific writing.

· a PhD in child development or child and adult psychology, or psychometrics and ECD specialists.
· At least 3 years of post PhD experience working in a research environment, preferably on ECD related area.

· Knowledge of child development programs, theories, practices and methods,
· Knowledge of techniques used in early childhood classroom instruction and curriculum frameworks,
· Understanding of classroom procedures which promote appropriate conduct and motivation for early age  learning,
· Knowledge and previous experience in children play therapy, behaviour interventions, activities and games,
· Understanding of current trends and research concerning the growth and development of children,
· Experience in developing standardized assessment tools and performance based assessment practices,
· Knowledge of human behavior and performance, individual differences in ability, personality and interests, and
· Knowledge of psychological research methods.

Interested candidates are invited to send via email or mail their letter of application (1 page); a statement of
research interests and goals (1-2 pages); and their CV with contact details of three referees to or to the address below. Please indicate the position you are applying for on the subject line of your email  and letter of application. Those who completed their PhD within the last two years may be considered for
Postdoctoral Fellowship. The positions will remain open until filled.

The Human Resources Officer
African Population and Health Research Center
P.O. Box 10787 – 00100 GPO, Nairobi


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