Salary and Benefits Survey 2012

Provisional dates: 1ST July 2012 to 31st August 2012

Handicap International (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid  organization working in  situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. Since its creation in 1982, the organization has set up programmes in approximately 60 countries and intervened in many emergency situations. It has a network of eight national associations (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA) which provide human and financial resources, manage projects and raise awareness of Handicap International’s actions and campaigns.

The Kenya Somalia programme has national staff located in 6 sites that is Nairobi, Garissa, Dadaab, Kitale in Kenya and Hargeisa and Garowe in Somalia. The programme has 11 ongoing projects.

2. Justification of the Study
The salary and benefits survey is aimed at developing a salary and benefits structure that ensures :-
2.1 Internal Equity: to enable management to determine the "worth" or "value" of one job in relation to other jobs in the organisation for the purpose of salary review as well as maintaining appropriate pay relative to value or worth of the job.
2.2 External Equity: To have competitive salary structure in line with similar or comparable organizations in the labour market or the NGO sector. 
2.3 Attracting and retaining highly qualified, competent, skilled, knowledgeable and experienced staff that are expected to provide and deliver quality service to the beneficiaries efficiently and effectively.

3. Scope of work
1. To Review the current HI salary structure, Job Descriptions or Position Profiles (Not just Job Title) in terms of Qualifications, Experience/ seniority, knowledge/ skills, nature of work for comparison & clarity
within the organisation.
2. To identify the Organizations in the Non governmental sector/Non-Profit Organizations (Targeted) in the two countries (Kenya and Somalia) with whom the comparisons can be done taking into consideration the
Cost of Living Indices & Inflation factors.
3. To conduct a comprehensive Salary & Benefits Survey amongst these targeted organizations & to draw information/comparisons on the various parameters like:-

I. Compensation & Benefits: The consultant will analyze the compensation, Allowances and Benefits data of the targeted organizations so as to have the best prevailing ones for the comparison survey and submit a
Data Report drawing analysis & comparative differences with these organizations;
II. HR Practices including Reward & Recognition policies, Performance Management System, Performance or productivity incentives etc.;
III.Attraction & Retention Strategies – Employee Perks & benefits (Cash & Non-cash benefits); Retirement benefits, Medical & disablement benefits.
4. Production of a detailed report ( soft and hard copy) with summary recommendations on how to implement the findings.

4. Expected Results
• To benchmark salary and benefits across the organisation, levels and functions within HI.
• Implementation of Salary & Benefits study within HI based on Comparative analysis.

5. Time line
• The consultancy will run from 1st July to 31st August, 2012.

6. Evaluation and award of contract
Handicap International will evaluate the proposals based on the technical and financial feasibility. However, technical feasibility shall serve as the main guideline for screening the proposals.

The Consultant should meet the following minimum requirements:
• Minimum of 5 years professional experience in conducting salary and benefits surveys for non –governmental organizations including job matching
• Proven track record of similar assignments with international and national NGOs in Kenya and Somalia coupled with strict adherence to agreed time lines
• The consultant should have a high level of planning, flexibility, analysis, report writing and time management skills. Confidentiality must be assured throughout the process.
• The consultancy should be willing to provide follow-up support N/B. Handicap International reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the
highest bidder.

7. Expression of Interest
The consultant will provide his/her services in compliance with HI objectives  and in doing so the s/he will liaise with the HI HR advisor, Finance and Administration Coordinator and Human Resource Manager. Interested parties should submit their proposals including the following:-

a. Technical part: Which gives an outline of the methodology, detailed work plan indicating number of days, tasks and methods to be used during data collection, plan of analysis and proposed timeframe for implementation
b. Financial part: Mentioning the expected budget for accomplishing the complete task.
c. A brief summary of the firm and at least 1 Main Consultant who will undertake this assignment, including a commitment to be available to undertake the entire assignment within the stated timelines.
d. Curriculum vitae of the Main Consultant proposed for the assignment. Their relevant qualifications, skills and experience as well as full contact details of two referees.

All interested parties who meet these requirements should send electronic copies of their proposal to reach Handicap International office on or before Monday 9th July, 2012 at 5.00 pm by email to:
Only short-listed individuals/organizations will receive an acknowledgment and may be called for further discussions.


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