Programme Officer – Innovation

Job Title:  Programme Officer – Innovation                                            
Post Type/Grade:  SSA (NOB Equivalent)
Duty Stations:   Nairobi                                                                        
Length of Assignment: 11 months
Date of issue:  05th June 2012                                                              
Deadline for application: 18th June 2012

Purpose of the Position: 
Under the general supervision of the  Programme Coordinator,  Innovations, the incumbent will  help in designing and evaluating new transfer modalities and technologies and will be required to ensure:
 The potential of new technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of WFP’s food assistance programmes is continuously explored;
 Rigorous data capture exercises related to WFP’s food assistance transfer modalities;
 Systems and business processes are well-adapted to WFP programmes, well-documented & supported, integrated with country office management and corporate reporting requirements, and contribute to the evolving national social protection framework and single-registry project.
 Knowledge accumulated through programme innovations is well-managed & contribute to organizational learning.

 Supervise the work of the “systems and business processes” section of the Innovations Team, including:
 Identifying, procuring, testing, and recommending new technologies,
 Overseeing modifications to WFP’s FoodNet (beneficiary information and management) system, and
 Providing support to other units and country offices as they introduce new food assistance modalities.
 Design and oversee all data collection exercises related to electronic enrolment of beneficiaries into FoodNet.
 Develop and roll-out guidance for the country office, in-line with national legislation and global standards, for the  capture, use and protection of personal data.
 Represent WFP on the Social Protection MIS Expert Working Group.
 Coordinate 3W mapping (who’s doing what and where) of WFP’s food assistance programmes.
 Design, develop,  &  prepare monthly and ad hoc management reports on all pilots being implemented by the Innovations team.
 Develop business requirements and other system documentation for any locally developed applications.
 Prepare guidance, SOPs, user manuals, and training materials for all exercises and systems developed in relation to the work of the Innovations team.

Qualifications and Experience:   
 Master’s Degree  in a related discipline (such as Applied Statistics, Social Statistics, Business Administration,  Management Information Systems, Knowledge and Information Management, etc) is a minimum requirement.
 At least three years of progressively responsible post-graduate professional experience in a related field.
 Excellent communication skills - both written and oral. Good written and spoken English and Kiswahili.
 Strong organization and planning skills coupled with good interpersonal skills.
Kenyan nationals meeting the above qualifications are required to submit a covering letter quoting Vacancy Announcement
No.  WFP/16/12 with their updated Curriculum Vitae, copies of certificates and name, title and e-mail address  of three
referees.  Candidates should also complete a Personal History form (P.11) available on the following link  –   All documents should be sent in an envelope which must be marked:
CONFIDENTIAL WFP/16/12 and sent to:-   Human Resources Officer
                                                                        World Food Programme 
                                                                        P.O. Box 44482 - 00100
WFP is an equal opportunity employer and does not charge any fee at whichever stage of the recruitment process.


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