Consultant, Development of Training materials on climate change

Vacancy Announcement no. 002/2013

Post Title:
Consultant, Development of Training materials on climate change adaptation
Duty station:
90 Days
Start Date:
Reporting to:
FAO Representative

Job Role, Duties and Responsibilities


The Ministry of Agriculture established a climate change unit (CCU) in 2010 to coordinate climate change activities in the ministry in order to mainstream adaptation and mitigation to climate change in its operations. The CCU has carried out a baseline survey to identify training and intervention needs for both staff and farmers. A team of technical officers from the ministry with the leadership of the CCU have prepared some draft training materials on various topics as per the needs identified through the survey. The model that has been adapted for these trainings is TOT with a target of training about 30 trainers per province. So far 3 TOT have been done. However, the training materials need to be improved on and produced for use in trainings for both farmers and extension officers.
CCU requests the services of a consultant to finalize the development of the training materials. The specific tasks for this consultancy will be:-
1.      Undertake desk review of available training materials on climate change adaptation in Kenya (including the draft available with CCU)
2.      Consult with key institutions in agriculture research and extension to enrich the materials
3.      Finalize training manuals- one for farmers and one for extension officers
4.      Facilitate an expert consultation meeting to review the final copies
5.      With the assistance of an  illustrator, produce suitable illustrations with the help of an artist
6.      Compile final extension training manual and farmer reference booklet

Expected outputs/deliverables
1.      Expert consultation workshop report
2.      Simple Use guide Manual for Technical Training and Reference Manual for  frontline extension staff
3.      Farmers’ user guide -A booklet for use by farmers

The consultant should have a minimum of Masters Degree in agriculture or natural resources management or related field. Be Kenyan. They should have experience in development of training materials for different levels and having wide knowledge of Climate Change with focus on Agricultural practices. The successful consultant should be able to demonstrate other related experiences (e.g. publications, engagement on agricultural manual/curriculum development, etc).

FAO is an equal opportunity employer; qualified women are encouraged to apply.  Acknowledgements will only be sent to applicants in whom FAO has a further interest.
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications may send their application letter, and a detailed CV clearly marked ; Consultant, Development of Training materials on climate change adaptation; STRICTLY BY EMAIL not later than  7th February 2013 addressed to:

Office of the FAO Representative in Kenya
FAO Representation in Kenya
United Nations Office at Nairobi 
Block P, Level 3
PO Box 30470, 00100
Nairobi Kenya
E-mail :



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