National Geographic Information System (GIS) Officer

Vacancy Announcement no. 001/2013

Post Title:
National Geographic Information System (GIS) Officer, Kenya
Duty station:
Initial probation of 3 months followed by 24 months with possible  extension depending on available funding
Start Date:
Reporting to:
Assistant FAO Representative for programme implementation and the FAO Representative

Job Role, Duties and Responsibilities

Under general supervision of the FAO Representative in Kenya and the direct supervision of the Assistant FAO Representative for programme implementation the overall responsibility of the National GIS Officer will support coordination through the provision of information products and services, and contribute to the creation of a common framework for information management within the Agriculture and Livestock sectors. The GIS unit is a service oriented unit ensuring the programme implementation teams have access to the best, most timely and reliable information products possible.

The GIS Officer will supervise development planning and GIS processes (coordination, data collection and system management) in support to all ongoing projects and will also be held responsible for design, development and Implementation of Web Based GIS Applications. The following are the duties and responsibilities:

Key Responsibilities:
·         Responsible for the management of the GIS team
·         Responsible for the engagement in government lead coordination mechanisms and the provision of technical GIS support to all FAO projects
·         Responsible for the development of management systems for key data sets (currently including: early warning, livestock movement / disease and market prices but likely to increase)

Key Activities:
·         In collaboration with the government and partners, collect data and maintain a data base on who is doing what where in the agricultural sector;
·         Based on the above data compile quarterly maps;
·         Provide technical training on GIS to government and development partners when requested;
·         Represent FAO in Agriculture Sector Working Group Meetings and participate in other sector working groups to identify information needs for spatial analysis and products and provide technical support;
·          Support a review of the system for collecting data in the bi-annual food security assessments, support the mapping of migration routes as well as food security trends and participate in assessments
·         In collaboration with the NDMA support the development of a digitised data collection system for early warning information
·         In collaboration with the NDMA support the development / population of a central repository for Food Security information.
·         Provide technical support to the Department of Veterinary Services on the management and roll out of the digital pen system;
·         Provide leadership in development and piloting of other mobile phone and/or internet based data gathering and mapping technologies;
·         Contribute to the development and implementation of web-based GIS application for use in M&E and or needs assessment;
·         Leverage the provision of information to communities using ICT platforms (SMS, Local FM stations, and other innovative methodologies);
·         Work with a national GIS Assistant;
·         Develop and manage agreements (both contracts and letters of agreements) with contractors and service providers
·         Perform any other duties as may be requested by the FAO Representative and/or Programme Coordinator

Qualifications and experience:

The candidate should hold a degree in GIS, Data Management or a related field. The candidate should have at least ten years’ experience in development and management of GIS data, and should have experience in providing training on GIS. Experience in planning and monitoring of development/emergency programmes would be a significant benefit.

FAO is an equal opportunity employer; qualified women are encouraged to apply.  Acknowledgements will only be sent to applicants in whom FAO has a further interest.
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications may send their application letter, and a detailed CV clearly marked ; National Geographic Information System (GIS) Officer; STRICTLY BY EMAIL not later than  7th February 2013 addressed to:

Office of the FAO Representative in Kenya
FAO Representation in Kenya
United Nations Office at Nairobi 
Block P, Level 3
PO Box 30470, 00100
Nairobi Kenya
E-mail :



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