Disaster Risk Management Intern

Internship Opportunity
Job Title: Disaster Risk Management Intern
Classification Level
Organizational Unit / Duty Station: IFRC/East Africa Regional Office, Based in Nairobi
(Department / Zone Office /
Delegation..... etc
Immediate Supervisor’s Title:Disaster Risk Management Coordinator

Organizational context (where the job is located in the Organization)
The Eastern Africa Region is characterized by the complexity of slow and rapid onset emergencies, with some of the worst humanitarian statistics in the world. The National Societies in the region have been engaged in humanitarian operations responding to various types of disasters while also undertaking
initiatives to reduce immediate and long term risks, build community resilience and addressing underlying causes. The National Societies of the region are also at various levels of capacities and face different challenges, which require IFRC’s support in program, organizational development, humanitarian diplomacy, and reporting and resource mobilization. The region has been a focus for humanitarian actors, and the IFRC is actively engaged in coordination and advocacy to influence humanitarian and development agendas.
Job purpose
Working under the supervision of the Disaster Risk Management Coordinator the DRM Intern will assist in improving the work of level of preparedness of National Societies of the region.

The main objectives will be:
1. Supporting the Disaster Risk Management Coordinator in implementing Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience activities in the region in line with the Federation Global Agenda, Hyogo framework for action and Global alliances in risk reduction;
2. Assisting the Disaster Risk Management Coordinator in supporting the national societies in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their disaster community preparedness programs.
3. Assist the Disaster Risk Management Coordinator in building the capacity of the national societies in being better prepared for emergency responses, through more effective surge capacity (using the BDRT/NDRT/RDRT system), stock pre-positioning, better vulnerability and capacity assessments and enhancing knowledge of Sphere standards

Job duties and responsibilities
To assist the Regional Disaster Risk Management Coordinator in the implementation of the following
1. Disaster Management Capacity Assessment of National Societies and implementation of plans of action to develop their capacity in terms of disaster preparedness and response
2. Support National Societies in following an integrated and comprehensive Contingency Planning process including risk assessment, planning for preparedness and response, review and updates of the plan, simulation exercises etc.
3. Support National Societies in the development and implementation of community preparedness projects for the most vulnerable communities
4. Capacity building of the Nationals Societies in EWEA mechanisms (especially community led), use for weather forecast (including forecast based planning), Resilience and DRR approaches, building and managing surge capacity etc.
5. Development of strategic documents, technical guidance and training curriculum for the region (ex: disaster management framework and SOPs, community resilience framework, EWEA trainings etc.)
6. Organization of sharing and learning events at regional or national levels, including exchange visits between National Societies.
Duties applicable to all staff
1.Actively work towards the achievement of the Federation Secretariat’s goals
2.Abide by and work in accordance with the Red Cross and Red Crescent principles
3.Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager

Competencies (to be filled in by HR)

Submission of applications:
Applications should be submitted by email to hr.eastafrica@ifrc.org; to be received not later than 31st January 2014.


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