Tenderfor Injecting Commodities for Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium

The Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) is a national membership network of NGOs,CBOs and FBOs,Private sector actors and Research and Learning Institutions involved in or that have interest in HIV, AIDS, TB and other public health care concerns in Kenya. Its membership is open to all registered NGOs,CBOs,FBOs,PLHIV support organizations, Learning Institutions, public and private sector organizations in Kenya. The organization also provides for associate membership, that includes individuals and International Non-Governmental organization partners.Currently,KANCO has a membership of over 1000 organizations and numerous individuals that are networking, collaborating and are bound together by a common  vision of a healthy Kenyan people with secure and sustainable access to HIV,TB and other public health care services.

KANCO’s overall goal is to provide leadership among civil society organizations contribution  towards realization of universal access targets in Kenya. Its main focus is on three main strategic areas that include ;( a) Community Systems Strengthening (b) Improving policy for HIV&AIDS and TB (c) Institutional Systems Strengthening.

In line with community systems strengthening, KANCOs program on community action on harm reduction seeks topurchase injecting commodities as stipulated in the tender below Tenderfor Injecting Commodities forKenyaAIDSNGOsConsortium (KANCO)As part of the Community Action
on Harm Reduction (CAHR), a programme that aims to
reduce the HIV incidence and other bacterial infection among people injecting drugs, KANCO wants to procure sterile injecting commodities as follows;
Kit 1(11,250pieces)
1. 3pcs, Insulin 1ml BD Syringes
2. 3pcs, Water for injection, vial, 10ml
3. 3pcs, Alcohol pad, saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol
4. 3pcs, cotton balls
5. 500ml Plastic Bag (to pack items 1 to 4) clearly labelled it contains items above
Kit 2 (26,250 pieces)
1. 3pcs, Black Rubber Piston Syringe 3ml with 23G X 1 in needle
2. 3pcs ,Water for injection, vial, 10ml
3. 3pcs, Alcohol swabs, saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol
4. 3pcs, cotton balls
5. Plastic Bag (to pack items 1 to 4)clearly labelled it contains items above Individually packed
1. 1125, 5 litre hard cardboard Sharps containers
2. 20 ,metallic or plastic snake tongs
3. 20, Hand gloves, an all-around utility and sharps handling glove
4. 100 vials, Naloxone hydrochloride injection USP 0.4mg/ml
5. 1000, Rubber Tourniquet

Kindly note that the commodities will be delivered in equal proportion to four locations in Kenya:
Nairobi, Malindi, Thika and Kisumu. In your submissions factor in the transportation costs to the four locations.

How to submit the Tender
Interested applicants should submit the tender and company profile by hand delivery in sealed envelopes only to KenyaAIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) Jabavu Lane, Off Argwings Kodhek Road Silverpool Office Suites – Block A1 Second Floor – Suites No. A11 and A12 by COB 29th January,2015.

Due to the large volume of applications received, kindly note that:
1. Hand delivered applications sent after the deadline will NOT be accepted
2. Only short listed tenders will becontacted
For more information on the office location please ContactUs
Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium
Jabavu Lane, Off ArgwingsKodhek Road
Silverpool Office Suites – Block A1
Second Floor – Suites No. A11 and A12
P. O. Box 69866 – 00400
Nairobi - Kenya
Tel: + 254 722 203 344 / +254 733 333 237
Web: www.kanco.org


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