Doctoral Studentships

This scheme enables scholars to undertake up to three years of full-time research on a medical humanities topic leading to a doctoral degree at a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland. Strong preference is given to applicants intending to make a long-term academic career in the subject.

Support is provided for up to three years, and includes:
  • the student's stipend
  • a set amount to cover conference travel, research expenses and, where justified, the cost of overseas fieldwork
  • all compulsory university and college fees at the UK/Irish home postgraduate student level.
Fees at the overseas rate will not be provided.
Institutions sponsoring candidates are expected to provide laptops and PCs as part of their postgraduate research-training infrastructure.
All students receiving a three-year award are expected to complete their writing-up and submit their theses in the final year of Trust support.

You should hold a Master's degree in a subject that’s relevant to the Medical Humanities.
Your application must be sponsored by a senior member of the department, unit or institute, or a Medical Humanities grantholder (current or former), who would supervise you if an award is made.
Applications will not be considered from those who have already received support for their doctoral studies from another funding body or who are already registered for a research degree.
Unsuccessful applicants will normally not be allowed to resubmit in a subsequent year.
Prospective applicants should note that only a very small number of doctoral studentships are awarded each year and that competition for them is intense.

Please complete and submit a full application form via the Trust's eGrants online application system. (Note: select Medical Humanities from the 'Funding Area' drop-down menu, then Medical Humanities Doctoral Studentships from the 'Scheme Type' menu, then select Medical Humanities Doctoral Studentship form from the 'Scheme Name' drop-down menu). A sample application form can be downloaded/printed from eGrants.

Please note that only a very small number of Doctoral Studentships are awarded each year. Competition for them is intense and strong preference is given to applicants intending to make a long-term academic career in the subject.
This is an annual competition.
  • Full application deadline: 2 April 2014.
  • The Medical Humanities Expert Review Group meets approximately two months after the application deadline.
Grants Management - Medical Humanities
Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE, UK
T +44 (0)20 7611 8499


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