Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction of three rock catchments’

Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction of three rock catchments in Laisamis Sub-County
Organisation Caritas Switzerland is non-governmental aid agency and member of Caritas Internationalis. Caritas works worldwide and adheres to international humanitarian principles (NGO code of conduct). Caritas encourages people to take charge of their own fate and does this by promoting local initiatives that sustainably improve the living conditions of the socially disadvantaged, advocating the conservation of natural resources, supporting civil conflict resolution and peace building, cooperating with local partners and strengthening their own commitments.

During the 2011 Horn of Africa Crisis, Caritas responded in Kenya with emergency projects in Marsabit, Wajir, Turkana, Dadaab, Kitui and Ngong. The interventions focussed on WASH and Food Security to mitigate the impacts of drought on pastoralist communities. As follow-up on its intervention Caritas is currently implementing a WASH project whose interventions include the construction of three rock catchment systems in Laisamis Sub-County. Caritas Switzerland is therefore looking for an individual consultant to undertake Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for each of the three planned rock catchments.

Location: Laisamis
Duration: 5 field days, 4 office days; Feburary 2013
Final Report:Tbc.

The specific tasks are:
• Through screening and scoping, identify the likely impacts of the project to the environment;
• Ascertain project compliance to environmental legislation in Kenya;
• Generate baseline data for monitoring and evaluation of these impacts;
• Predict likely changes on the environment as a result of the construction;
• Identify significant environmental impacts if any;
• Propose mitigation actions and measures and prepare a detailed environmental management plan for the significant adverse impacts of the construction on the environment;
• Compile three site-specific and elaborate EIA reports;
• Forward and acknowledge delivery of the EIA reports to NEMA Kenya for onward approvals according to the laid down procedures.

The Consultant should have:
• A degree in engineering in related field from a recognised university;
• Taken environmental related courses or units during the studies;
• Must be registered or licensed (valid) by NEMA as a EIA expert;
• Should have no less than five years engineering experience.

If you fit the required profile of this assignment send to us:
• An application letter and the consultants updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating how the qualifications and experience match the requirements of the assignment, including previous experience in this kind of work. Include in the CV your telephone contacts, names of three referees and three reference projects; and
• A technical proposal on how you plan to carry out the assignment indicating your work plan that includes proposed field and desk activities and a financial proposal that indicates the expected rate of payment per day.

Send your application latest by 19 December 2013 via email jobs.nairobi@caritas.ch copy indicating ̔Environmental Impact Assessment for the construction of three rock catchments’ in the subject line. Only shortlisted firms will be contacted.

Website www.caritas.ch


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