Program Assistant

Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, development agency promoting creative solutions to problems that impede social development. AKF (East Africa) seeks sustainable solutions to long-term problems of poverty, hunger, literacy and health, with a special emphasis on the needs of rural communities in coastal and other resource-poor areas. AKF(EA) works in five sectors including Health, Education, Early Childhood Development, Rural Development and Civil Society enhancement. Over the last several years, AKF (EA)’s programs have evolved and expanded in response to government policies, beneficiary demand and assessment of needs. In order to optimize AKF (EA)’s efficiency and effectiveness as a development actor in the region, it seeks to support and improve innovations that create viable solutions to community problems that impede development.
Ultimately, this project aims to sustainably improve learning outcomes, with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy, for pre-primary and primary students in target areas of East Africa through the implementation of a scalable regional approach that strengthens teacher education, training and support systems. This approach aims to leverage assets of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) institutions to achieve broad, systematic, and distinctive impact on the quality of teaching in the region in both public and private education systems. Specifically, the project builds on the experience and gains made by various AKDN institutions working in the education sector in East Africa, including Aga Khan University – Institute for Educational Development, Aga Khan Academies, Aga Khan Education Services, and Aga Khan Foundation.
The project has three main components that are aligned with national government and donor priorities and address key elements of education systems that can influence learning outcomes. These components, which closely interrelate, include: (1) professional development of educators; (2) strengthening institutions and education support systems; and (3) learning and partnerships. It is estimated that the project will directly benefit approximately 14,000 individuals, primarily educators, district education officers, and education managers, and will indirectly benefit 770,000 individuals, including pre-primary and primary school students and educators.
I.Job Purpose
The main objective of this position will be to coordinate the year 3 Work Planning process towards submission of the first draft to AKFC by the 31st of January, 2015.
II.The Key responsibilities:
Based in Nairobi at the Project Coordination Unit (PCU), the position assumes lead responsibility for supporting the Annual Work Planning process. The position will work closely with various agencies within the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) to towards submission of the Year 3 work plan to AKFC by the 31st of January, 2015.
Duties and Responsibilities.
  1. Take lead in the process of development of the Annual Project Work Plans in collaboration with other PCU staff and AKDN implementing project partners, and in accordance with strategic guidance provided.
  2. In collaboration with project director, take lead in organizing, including provision of technical support in the In-Country and Semi-annual review meeting in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania prior to the Regional Annual Planning Meeting.
  3. Work with AKDN implementing agencies to ensure that joint project activities are reflected in the Consolidated SESEA Annual Work Plans.
  4. Facilitate Cross-Country planning meetings for School Improvement Program (SIP) and Madrassa Early Childhood Program (MECP).
  5. Working with the M&E Coordinator, Gender Specialist and Finance Officers (PCU team), consolidate and present the first draft of the Annual Work Plan during the Regional Planning Workshop, ensuring that all cross cutting issues are incorporated to the work plan.
  6. Take lead in organizing the Regional Planning Workshop, building on In-Country and Cross-Country meetings with objective of reviewing of the first draft of the consolidated Year 3 annual work plan.
  7. Take lead in the consolidation of the implementing agencies Annual Project work plans and ensure timely submission of the project implementation plan to Aga Khan Foundation, Canada (AKFC) following approval by the project director.
  8. Further take lead in the consolidation of any changes to the Annual work plans following review by AKFC and ensure timely re-submission of the final work plans to AKFC.
Deliverables with Due Dates.
  • In-Country Planning meetings in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania- October, 2014
  • Cross Country SIP and MECP planning meeting- November, 2014
  • First Draft of Consolidated SESEA year 3 work plan- November, 2014
  • Regional Work Planning Meeting- December, 2014
  • First draft submitted to AKFC incorporating feedback from Regional Work planning Meeting- December, 2014
  • Final draft submitted to AKFC incorporating feedback from AKFC- January, 2015
III. Required Qualifications and Experience
  • Graduate degree in a relevant discipline, such as international development, economics, education, or the social sciences
  • Minimum of 3-4 years of relevant practical experience in a development context, preferably in the education sector
  • Familiarity/experience with development issues in East Africa and the education sector
  • Excellent organizational, writing and planning skills and an ability to work under pressure with multiple tasks, demands and deadlines
  • Experience with results-based management, grant management, donor requirements and reporting processes is desirable
  • Proven ability to meet strict reporting deadlines and to produce results
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills in English and superb analytical, organizational, interpersonal, negotiation and problem-solving skills
IV.Other Competencies
  • Ability to work independently and with little supervision
  • Commitment to gender equality and an understanding of gender issues, especially those relevant to education and development
  • Experience in the Southern and Eastern African development context is an asset
  • Experience with DFATD and other bilateral donors is an asset
How to apply:
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, CV and the names and contact information of three professional referees by 30th June, 2014 to the Regional Human Resource Manager, Aga Khan Foundation, East Africa via email to**;**Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
***Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.***
The Aga Khan is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (


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