Scholarship - MSc in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE-DGCS), together with the Agronomic Institute for Overseas (IAO) and the College of Agriculture of the University of Florence, are glad to announce the first edition of the MSc in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development, a 2-year graduate program to be offered in Florence from September 2014 to September 2016.

16 participants from 7 eligible countries - ETHIOPIA
, MOZAMBIQUE, KENYA, SOMALIA, BURKINA FASO, NIGER and SENEGAL - will be selected as beneficiaries of scholarships to attend the program.

Please find below, and attached, the call for applications. Additional information and the Application Form are available at .

The deadline for submitting applications to the local Italian Embassy/Italian Cooperation Office is Friday, 25 July 2014.

Thank you for kindly circulating this news to any potential candidate - especially women and those employed in public authorities, rural development agencies, universities and NGOs in eligible countries.


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