Learning and Evaluation Officer

Job Requirements

  • Degree in social science discipline (Masters preferable)
  • A commitment to social justice and the mission of Dignitas Project
  • 2-3 years experience in a monitoring and evaluation role highly preferable
  • Well developed analytical skills and detail orientation
  • Proven report writing skills
  • Strong inter-personal skills
  • Proficiency and experience using statistical software (SPSS preferred)
  • Computer literacy (MS Office suite)
Key Task or Responsibility
1.Track program activities
  • Track intervention dosage per school by collecting data for and maintaining a program intervention database.
  • Maintain the participant database through data collection and regular interaction with school partners.
2.Evaluate program efficacy
  • The L&E Officer will support the Program Quality Manger to develop annual, termly, and monthly learning and evaluation plans.
  • Conduct twice annual Student Assessment research in current partner schools and control schools. This will include supervising a local research team and organizing operations for assessment activities (such as transport, staff support, communication to schools, etc.), entering and analyzing assessment data (SPSS), and contributing to an assessment report and individual school reports.
  • Create and administer training evaluations for all Dignitas Project trainings, including the three-week Leadership Institute. The L&E Officer will work closely with the Program Quality Manager to develop a strategy for training evaluations. It will be the responsibility of the of the L&E Officer to ensure evaluations are completed, enter evaluation data, complete preliminary analysis, and contribute to evaluation reports as needed.
  • Conduct periodic School Improvement Assessments for all partner schools annually to assess school wide transformation. This will include coordinating a team to undertake field research, analysis of the findings and the production of a preliminary report.
  • Conduct periodic regular case study research. This will involve visiting schools to collect in-depth and narrative information for reporting and communication purposes.
  • Periodic review of evaluation tools in order to provide recommendations for improvements to the tools and processes of data collection.
  • Other learning and evaluation activities as assigned.
3. Capture organizational learning
  • Collaborate with school support team staff to document the processes and methods employed in coaching, workshop development and implementation, and other school support.
4. Support reporting and communication
  • Develop written materials and data visualizations based on learning and evaluation activities that can support donor reporting, resource acquisition, and external and internal communications.
How to apply:
Applicants should send a cover letter describing their interest and relevant experience as it pertains to the role, include an indication of their remuneration expectation, and their CV. Please note that only complete applications will be considered.Email address - jobs@dignitasproject.org
Applicants must have the legal right to work in Kenya. Applications due 11 July.


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