Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Assistant

IntraHealth International Inc. believes in a world where all people have an equal opportunity for health and wellbeing. We support health workers to succeed, improve policies and systems for a strong workforce that delivers health services to meet communities’ needs. The USAID funded FUNZOKenya project aims to improve access to quality of healthcare in Kenya by strengthening health training systems. Intrahealth International is seeking to fill the following positions:

Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Assistant 

Reporting to the Assistant Director M & E, the M & E Assistant will support the planning, implementation and monitoring of FUNZO Kenya work. 

Key duties and responsibilities
• Maintain training database and other training materials as directed by the Assistant Director M&E.
• Maintain a log of curriculums, manuals and other materials used for training in the project.
• Maintain a library of reference materials collected from meetings and conferences.
• Follow-up with MOH on documents required for the project work.
• Deliver project M&E documents to relevant stakeholders.
• Maintain copies of documentation on project activities (cuttings of articles appearing in the media etc).
• Support tracking of M&E activities using existing tools/ templates as per guidance of M&E Officer and M&E Assistant Director.
• Support in maintaining of the Project Information/ Database system (including entry, editing and reporting of Project data) to a high level of accuracy and completeness.
• Assists the M&E Department in the Project implementation of M&E activities, which includes but are not limited to:
i. Update training data on excel sheets
ii. Work with M&E officer to upload training data
iii. Facilitate in preparatory activities related to field work – assessments, evaluations, surveys (i.e. liaise with Operations/Logistics; printing of field documents, etc.)
iv. Document and keep M&E department meeting minutes
v. Work closely with communication and Knowledge management officer to document lessons learned and best practices of the project• Assist in the compilation and dissemination of Project Reports (quarterly and annual), and any other M&E related documentation as requested by the M&E Officer.
• Consolidate inputs for the Tuesday Morning Meeting from each unit, take minutes of discussions during the meeting and circulate the same as appropriate.

• A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (Statistics, Social science, or a related field)
• At least 2 years working experience in the development field, preferably in the health and/or human resources management area.
• Experience in data analysis (quantitative & qualitative skills)
• Skills in statistical applications and other software packages

If you meet the above qualifications, apply by sending your CV and cover letter indicating your daytime telephone numbers, address and names of three referees who must have been your supervisor to Closing date for application is July 30, 2014 . Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted


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