Building capacity of Municipal staff and NPAs to strengthen devolved management in the Kisumu and Kitale municipal council.

Terms of Reference

Practical Action is an international development Organization working with poor communities to help them choose and use technology to improve their lives today and in the generations to come. The key areas of focus are Water and Sanitation, Waste Management, Energy, Food Security, Climate Change and DRR. In Eastern Africa region, particularly in the Lake region cluster Practical Action is engaged in offering Energy through the Biofuels Project (Bioethanol Project) and urban services through Peoples Plans into Practice (PPP) project.

This assignment is focused on the PPP project that is trying to “Build Productive and Live-able settlements” within slum dwellers in Kisumu and Kitale. The PPP project aims to improve the well-being, productivity and living conditions of poor people living in informal settlements in Kenya and the East African region, majority of who are women and children. The project will ensure that plans developed with the participation of residents are put into practice in ways which bring real improvements in well-being, productivity and living conditions to poor people in 2 informal settlements (Manyatta and Nyalenda) in Kisumu and 3 low-income wards (Sokoni, Tuwan, and Grasslands) in Kitale

In light of the above, Practical Action in partnership with Kisumu Urban Apostolate Programme (KUAP) and Shelter Forum are currently implementing a five year project which is committed to build the capacity of two municipal councils namely Kisumu and Kitale to engage with communities and other stakeholders in the development process.
The call aims to conduct a five day training programme for 12- 15 key municipal staffs from relevant service departments and 2 – 3 project officers. The trainees are from the LASDAP, Treasury/ Town Clerk / Finance department, key representative from Social Services, key representative from Planning dept., key representative from Engineering / Public Works, key members from the community.
The following are the technical areas that should be covered as a minimum requirement, using adult learning centered modules as the participants are senior experienced government staff.
         i.            Policy:
a.       Refreshing the understanding of policy and practice in Public and Private partnerships
b.      Revisiting the mandate of the Municipal council as stipulated by policy and law to people’s participation.
c.       Pillars of the New Constitution in relation to Citizens’ Rights and Service Delivery

       ii.            Planning projects
a.       Refreshing on concepts on Project Cycle Management
b.      Recognizing and promoting local pro- poor economic development (targeting poor communities living in informal urban and peri- urban settlements)
c.       Session on bridging the gap / challenges of current practice to adopting Participatory planning and budgeting processes in real time. (Linkages to LASDAP, CDF and other relevant planning and devolved funding opportunities; working together in the service of the urban poor.)
d.      Implication of Land reforms and integrated Informal Settlements Improvement into project planning
e.      Resource mobilization through strategic Public Private Partnerships (PPP)

      iii.            Joint implementation:
a.       Financing Community Based Plans (Strategic Ward Investment Plans)
b.      Implementing plans in a participatory manner
c.       Principles and Practice of Good Governance: How can these be incorporated in practice

     iv.            Review of projects:
a.       Participatory M&E – how to include communities in M&E system for effective management and ownership
b.      Transparency and accountability procedures

       v.            Special considerations into projects:
a.       Introduction to Environment Planning and Management
b.      Gender, age, disability considerations.

     vi.            Follow up implementation:
a.       Follow up commitments made by members on implementation plan after six months.
                                                               i.      Dealing with the possibility of municipal staff relocation and taking the learning to their new position.
b.      A day’s review meeting on progress of the original commitment’s made by participants.
Expected outputs:
1.       The consultants are expected to submit an end of workshop report with clear activity plan for follow up by participants
2.       A follow up monitoring report after six months.
We request you to submit a four or five or page clear statement of ability to undertake this training. Examples of past work and detailed CV of facilitators experience should be attached along with a proposed course outline for the five days. Please submit a separate sheet on estimated budget for the training. Please indicate availability to undertake the training in October/November, 2012.
Interested consultancy firms/qualified individuals should submit their EOI by 25th September 2012, to the address below:
Practical Action
P. O. Box 2260-40100
Manjid Building, along Owuor Otiende Road, Opposite KCB Towers, Milimani.
The logistical arrangements for the training will be organized by Practical Action LVC Office. 


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