Consultancy conducting a KAP survey for the Drought Recovery Projectin Marsabit, Eastern Province, Kenya

November 2012

Background and context
Caritas Switzerland in partnership with Caritas Marsabit has implemented – according to its key competences in Eastern Africa – emergency interventions in the areas of water and sanitation and livelihoods as response to the 2011 drought.

The new project aims to contribute to the recovery of pastoral communities in Marsabit County affected by the 2011 drought and to improve their resilience to future drought related impacts. Activities are composed in order to achieve that 4,000 households in eight villages have gained improved knowledge and practise of hygiene and sanitation, have increased access to latrines and safe drinking water and Water Resource User Associations (WRUAs) are managing community water resource independently in a sustainable way. This is according to the general applied approach of Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD).

A Knowledge Attitude and Practise (KAP) survey will be carried out to establish baseline information on the
status of hygiene, sanitation and water of the selected villages. Caritas Switzerland’s Nairobi based Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) technical unit will accompany the process. It is from this survey that the exact needs and opportunities for community water sources will be established. The results of the KAP survey will also identify the key messages for hygiene campaigns.

I. Objectives of the assignment
Overall objective:
To establish the existing WASH related knowledge, attitude and practices of the communities in eight villages in Marsabit County in order to obtain baseline information for subsequent evidence-based planning and to serve as a benchmark for future project monitoring and evaluation.

Specific objectives:
 To identify common hygiene practices of the community in the study area.
 To determine the existing knowledge of the community on hygiene and sanitation issues.
 To establish the general attitude of the community in regard to hygiene practices.
 To identify common diseases and knowledge on diseases and their transmission routes among community members.
 To assess the needs of the community in terms of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions.
II. Deliverables
 Develop a detailed programme and timeframe within which the KAP survey will be conducted;
 Prepare appropriate data collection tools based on the project indicators;
 Identify and train data enumerators;
 Oversee the data collection process for quality assurance (accuracy, validity and reliability of data);
 Analyse qualitative and quantitative data from the survey;
 Present the findings to the project team;
 Write a report with key findings, conclusions and recommendations.

III. Methodology of the survey
 Desk review of project documents (including proposal narrative and logical framework);
 Develop data collection tools to capture all the required qualitative and quantitative data. A structured
household questionnaire, observation checklist, focus group discussion guiding questions and key informant interviews should be employed for data collection;
 Train the data enumerators on how to administer the data collection tools including pre-testing of the tools;
 Supervise the data enumerators when doing the data collection;
 Calculate a statistically significant sample size to be covered by the survey based on the study population and the scope of the study area;
 The quantitative data collected will be entered into Ms Excel data entry sheet and analyzed using the SPSS program. Qualitative data will be analyzed using Nvivo or any other suitable data analysis package;
 A detailed report of the survey will then be drafted and shared with the Caritas Marsabit Development

IV. Skills and experience
 An advanced degree in a relevant field; e.g. Water engineering, Public Health, Civil or Public Health Engineering, Environmental Health Science;
 Proven experience in conducting similar studies;
 Working knowledge of project management with practical expertise in monitoring and evaluation;
 Knowledge on the application of qualitative and quantitative data analysis packages (e.g. SPSS, Epi Info, Nvivo and XSight).
 Proficiency in English and Kiswahili language;
 Work experience in the Horn of Africa.

V. Timeline
The assignment should take place in November 2012 and should not require more than 17 working days from the Consultant. Backstopping (technical as well as logistical) will be provided by the project team and the Caritas WASH Unit.

VI. Submitting expression of interest
Interested consultants or firms should send the following:
 A cover letter introducing the consultant and how the skills and competencies described above are met
and giving concrete examples.
 An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with details of qualifications, experience, and date of availability,
telephone contacts and names of three referees.
 A proposal detailing on how, when and what the consultant will undertake (detailed work plan/ programme). Kindly clearly indicate the tasks to be undertaken and the time-frame for undertaking the
 A sample of a recent report of a similar work undertaken.
 A budget detailing the proposed cost of the consultancy.
VII. Application
Complete applications (listed in VI above) can be sent via e-mail to by latest
Monday September 24th 2012 (5pm, local time).

Originals or copies of certificates and testimonials should NOT be sent, but originals can be requested if
the applicant is shortlisted.


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