Post Doctoral Fellow- Mitigation Options and Poverty Reduction

Job opening ID57
Number of positions1
Deadline23 Feb-2014
Job CategoryPost Doctoral Fellow
Roles and responsibilitiesThe Postdoctoral fellow will support SAMPLES by leading research on the integrated assessment of
smallholders’ mitigation options. The successful candidate will lead the development and testing of tools
and approaches to quantitatively assess and prioritize farming practices that contribute to both GHG
reductions and farmers’ livelihoods at fields, household, village, and landscape levels. This will require the
use of remote sensing and geographic information systems, geostatistics, participatory research methods,
and optimization modeling. The successful candidate would collaborate with project partners and other
stakeholders to develop the final tools and approaches.
Expected outputs are (1) peer-reviewed publications using spatial and trade-off analyses to identify
mitigation options at the current SAMPLES sites and (2) tools and approaches for implementing integrated
assessments at future SAMPLES sites. The fellow´s duties will first and foremost be to conduct novel impactoriented
research, including obligations to publish journal articles, present SAMPLES-related work in
scientific forum globally and support use of research outputs by relevant entities. To a limited extent, the
Postdoctoral fellow will supervise MSc and PhD students, and may also help coordinate research activities
and scientific networking across projects, programmes, and institutions.
Key responsibilities
• To integrate and analyze datasets derived from household surveys, field and laboratory measurements
to describe baseline and modeled changes in greenhouse gas emissions and removals at multiple spatial
• To develop methods and tools that can be used by researchers at other SAMPLES sites to identify
research priorities and trade-offs.
Skill setPhD in Agronomy, Agro-ecology, Environmental Sciences or related field.
• Extensive modeling experience with programming skills.
• Experience with integrated assessments and GIS / database applications.
• Knowledge of nutrient cycles, specifically carbon and nitrogen, and smallholder farming systems in
tropical developing countries.
• Proven experience working in an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural team.
• Strong publication record in peer-reviewed journals.
• Good written and spoken English. Working knowledge of French and/or Spanish will be considered
• Computer competency including remote sensing, GIS and R.
• Field experience in the tropics will be considered an advantage.
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Duty stationNairobi, Kenya
Job SummaryThe Standard Assessment of Mitigation Potential and Livelihoods in Smallholder Systems Program
(SAMPLES, website) aims to quantify greenhouse gas balances and identify low emissions agricultural
practices in smallholder farming at whole-farm and landscape scales. SAMPLES engages in four activities:
the identification of global and regional agricultural mitigation priorities, methods development, testing of
climate change mitigation options, and capacity building. Research has been established in pilot sites for
mixed crop-livestock systems in Kenya and intensive rice systems in the Philippines; initiatives for
additional sites are underway in India, Mexico and Central America. Expertise is needed now to integrate
greenhouse gas emissions and household livelihood data to test the viability of mitigation options for
farmers in each location.

To apply click here 


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