Sergent at Arms

Applications are invited from suitably qualified citizens of East Africa for the following position tenable at the East African Legislative Assembly:

SERJEANT- at- ARMS :(REF: EAC/HR/2013/077)
ORGAN: East African Legislative Assembly
OFFICE: Office of the Clerk
DEPARTMENT: Sergeant- at -Arms

To provide effective and efficient security and safety, procedural and ceremonial, housekeeping and common services to the Legislative Assembly

1. Formulate security policies, strategies and procedures to be followed when the House is in Session.
2. Lead the Speaker to and from the House at each sitting and be present throughout the sitting to act as directed by the Speaker and to lead the President when performing official Parliamentary roles.
3. Ensure security of the Assembly Assets, the Hon. Speaker, Hon. Members and staff and all the strangers/visitors entering the precincts of the Assembly.
4. In liaison with the police and court, investigate and prosecute any offence committed within the precincts of the House.
5. Carry and protect the Mace as a symbol of authority and smooth conduct of business of the House.
6. Provide information and services for Members and staff including office accommodation, furniture and fittings, booking for Committee rooms and
bookings for Chamber Galleries, coordination of transport, maintenance of  building and housekeeping services, and advise the Speaker on the broadcasting and televising policy.
7. Ensure orderly admission and conduct of stranger to any part of the Assembly by issuance of entry cards.
8. Keep any fire arms and any other prohibited properly brought into the precincts of the Assembly.
9. Effective and efficient maintenance services to the buildings, grounds and in liaison with user departments furnishes the offices and Committee rooms.
10. Act as Custodian of all Parliament building keys including keys for pigeonholes.
11. Provide a one stop shop booking services for all activities which school groups and educational tours engage in when visiting Parliament and conduct tours of Parliament and hospitality events.
12. Execute laws and orders of the House and any other directives of the Speaker.
13. Provide Safety and Fire measures, health protection and First Aid Services. This includes the developing an emergency preparedness and response policy,Training and awareness of the same, etc.
14. Prepare progress and annual reports of the department; and

A Masters Degree in Social Sciences, Law, Security Management or equivalent qualification from a recognised University.
8 years of relevant experience in a similar position with 3 years at senior level. Must have a security training background and/served in the forces at the rank of Chief Inspector of Police or Major in the Army or equivalent rank. Knowledge of the dynamics and operations of a Regional Parliament will be an added advantage.

Good analytical skills, communication skills, report writing, planning and organization, presentation skills, persuasiveness and adaptability, innovativeness, decision making, clear judgement, problem - solving skills, team building, supervisory skills, computer skills, networking skills, ability to meet strict deadlines, ability to work under minimum supervision in a multicultural environment.

All post is tenable on a five (5) year contract term renewable subject to satisfactory performance and mandatory retirement age of 60 years.

The above position is also subject to the application of the EAC Quota System. In line with the provisions of the EAC Staff Rules and Regulations, Candidates whose age will be 55 years at the time of appointment will not be eligible.

All posts offer attractive fringe benefits including housing allowance, transport allowance, education allowance, a medical scheme, and insurance cover.
For more information, visit our website:;

Interested candidates should submit their applications by registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone contact to:

The Secretary General
East African Community
P. O. Box 1096
Arusha - Tanzania.
Fax No: +255 27 2504255/ +255 27 2050281

To be received not later than Thursday 06th March 2014, 1700Hrs local time.
Female Candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
The East African Community will only respond to those candidates who meet
its requirements.


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