Post Doctoral Fellow – Targeting Climate-Smart Development Interventions under Multiple Uncertainties

Job opening ID59
Number of positions1
Deadline09 Mar-2014
Job CategoryPost Doctoral Fellow
DesignationPost Doctoral Fellow – Targeting Climate-Smart Development Interventions under Multiple Uncertainties
Roles and responsibilities• Review tools for modeling and decision making under uncertainty
• Develop methods to target interventions under uncertainty
• Develop and contribute to methodologies to forecast the impact of research for development on development outcomes and impacts
• Conduct impact projections and develop targeting recommendations for research and development activities at ICRAF and elsewhere.
• Using value of information analysis, identify further research needs and important metrics for impact assessment
• Publish in peer-reviewed journals
• Contribute to ICRAF’s communication products and resource mobilization efforts
Skill set• PhD in Economics, Decision Analysis, Business Analysis, Development or related fields; Graduates in Agricultural or Ecological subjects may be considered
• Excellent quantitative analysis skills
• Good understanding of Bayesian networks, Monte Carlo simulation and other approaches to modeling under uncertainty
• Advanced programming skills (preferably in R)
• Ability to function effectively in a multicultural setting
• Proficiency in oral and written English
• Track record of publication in peer-reviewed journals
Work experience1 year
AdvertCCAFS Postdoc.pdf
Duty stationNairobi, Kenya
Job SummaryExpected outputs

• Review of existing approaches to target interventions and support decisions under uncertainty
• Probabilistic decision-support tools for intervention targeting and identification of metrics for impact assessment
• Publications in peer-reviewed journals and contribution to other communication products

To apply click here


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