KMM Foundation Scholarship In Japan 2015

The Konosuke Matsushita Memorial KMM FoundationScholarship in Japan will bolsterinternationalapplicants who conduct research conduct destinations “to add to worldwide society by advancing shared seeing in the middle of Japan and different nations” and “to make society where humanity exists together with nature”. Scholarship worth 120, 000 yen a month plus tuition.
Scholarship Course Level: Master Degree Programme
Scholarship Eligibility
Students with excellent academic performance who conduct research relatedMutual understanding between Japan and other countries
Coexistence of mankind and nature
Scholarship Duration: 2 Years
Scholarship Worth: 120,000 yen a month + tuition
Scholarship Qualification
Scholarship Benefit
¥120,000 yen per month Admission fee: Up to ¥300,000 yen Tuition: up to ¥600,000 yen per year Travel expense: Economy class round trip airfare between Japan and your country (Travel expense will be paid only to those who will newly arrive in Japan.) Payment Method Scholarship: to be paid directly to students once every 3 months Date of payment: September 15th, December 15th, March 15th, and June 15th (The first payment date can be scheduled later than Sept. 15th according to the time you are selected as a scholar and your arrival date for those who will newly arrive in Japan ) Admission fee & Tuition: Each university can select from following 3 ways.
1) Students first have to pay and get reimbursed from KMMF later by submitting payment receipt to KMMF.
2) University request KMMF to pay with an account.
3) Students forward the bill to KMMF and KMMF pays on behalf of them.
Application deadline: Early Aug, 2015(Feasible to change over consultation according to the schedule of entrance exam and result announcement.)
How To Apply
Selection method University recommends candidates. (University recommends 3 candidates considering diversity of candidates’ background.)
Candidates are screened by required documents submitted. (Interview is to be given if necessary) Required documents to be submitted:
Application form
Research plan
Essay (one A4 page): Title: “What kind of contribution you’d like to make to the society in a future?”
Result announcement 2 weeks after recommendation from university


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