Local Heroes Journalism Competition

Who is your local hero in Kenya?

Thank you for participating in the Local Heroes Journalism Competition. Who is your local hero? Is it a teacher who helps you learn? Or a leader who makes your neighborhood a better place to live? Is it the heroic activist or the courageous artist? Local heroes are everywhere – but their work can go unrecognized. DW and Standard Group want you to introduce Kenya’s remarkable local heroes to the world. You’ll find everything you need to know below.

1.) Who can enter?

Participants can be professional or student journalists over 18 years, based in Kenya.

Professional journalists must apply with a scan of their degree certificate (including degree certificate number) or their official and valid press card. Student journalists must apply with an official recommendation letter from their university or their official and valid student card.
The competition language is English.
Deutsche Welle employees cannot participate in the competition.

2.) What kind of work can I submit?

We accept three journalistic mediums:

Video (3 min. and 80 MBmaximum, accepted formats: mpg, mp4, mpeg, mov, avi, wmv, flv) Audio (3 min. and 80 MBmaximum, accepted formats: mp3, mp2, mpg, snd, ogg, wav, muf, wma) Photo reports (10 photos and a half-page of text maximum, the photo files should be in high resolution, at least 300 dpi and 1024 x 576 pixels. Accepted formats: .jpg and .png photo formats.
All audio-, video-, photo- and text-files submitted for the competition must be a product of your own work!
Submitted files should be named as follows:
VIDEO-FILE_titel of your submission_your name
AUDIO-FILE_titel of your submission_your name
PHOTO-FILE_titel of your submission_your name

Your entry must address the theme of the competition: Local heroes from Kenya; it cannot be fictional but needs to be a realstory, easily verifiable. The competition language is English.
You can only submit one entry.
You cannot submit any work that has been published or broadcast by Deutsche Welle.

3.) How do I submit my entry?

You can submit your entry via e-mailto the following address:

If files are too large, please send them via Wetransfer(www.wetransfer.com) to the same address.
In both cases: Please send all documents in one Zip-folder.

The folder must contain:

1.) your submission, 2.) the above mentioned certificates regarding your profession and studies and 3.) your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Submission deadline: June 21, 2015.
Please note:We will not accept any entries arriving after this date. We cannot accept incomplete entries or entries which do not fit in the above mentioned specifications. Submitted material will not be returned regardless of its format. DW or STG also reserve the right to use, present or publish any of the entries.
By participating you declare that you accept these terms and conditions.

4.) Who picks the winners?

Step 1:
An expert jury will choose the top-three entries from each category. Out of these nine finalists, the jury will further determine the cross-category grand-prize winner of an internship at Deutsche Welle in Germany.
The jury will evaluate the journalistic aptitude of the entries, based on criteria such as clarity, narrative structure and research, innovation, authenticity and originality of the chosen journalistic approach and the chosen story. Decisions of the jury are final and are not subject to legal appeal.

Step 2:
All nine winner-entries will then appear on this website for a public online-vote to determine the final ranking for each category. The voting starts on June 29, 2015.

5.) What can I win?

Grand prize: Two-week internship at DW in Germany
Video Category: 1st prize: high-quality video camera, 2nd prize: tablet, 3rd prize: smartphone
Audio Category: 1st prize: Marantz recorder, 2nd prize: tablet, 3rd prize: smartphone
Photo Report Category: 1st prize: high-quality photo camera, 2nd prize: tablet, 3rd prize: smartphone
In addition, all nine winners will be invited to attend the awards ceremony to be held in July 2015 in Nairobi.


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