J/FFLS Documentation Analyst

Vacancy Announcement no. 006/2012

Contract type: Consultant
Duty Station: Nairobi
Duration of assignment: 28 Days  

Job Role, Duties and Responsibilities

The project dubbed “Addressing HIV and Gender inequities through a food security and nutrition response in Eastern and Central Africa focuses on mitigating  the impact of HIV, conflict and gender inequities on the population of humanitarian concern in the targeted areas through an effective integrated food security response.  OSRO/RAF/010/SWE project is a build up to lessons and outcomes of OSRO/RAF/808/SWE which ended in May 2010 and where innovative interventions linking HIV and gender inequality issues to food security through the Junior and Adult Farmer Field and Life School (J/FFLS) approach were utilized to deliver an integrated response.  One of the recommendations of OSRO/RAF/808/SWE was to give greater emphasis on the promotion of J/FFLS as a means of delivering food security and nutrition response to HIV and gender inequities including GBV thus giving rise to OSRO/RAF/010/SWE. During the October 2012 Wolrd Food Day and ASDS forum at Safari Park Hotel, the President of Kenya emphasized the need to involve the youth in agriculture.  This project is supporting governments priorities in mitigating the impact of HIV, conflict and gender inequities on the population of humanitarian concern in Eastern and Central Africa through an integrated food security response. The areas concerned are: (i) the peri-urban areas and peace villages in Burundi; (ii) eastern Rwanda [Rwandophones expelled from Tanzania]; (iii) Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); (iv) northern Uganda; (v) Rift valley and refugee camps in Kenya; and (vi) the Bangui, Mambéré-Kadei and Lobaye prefectures in Central African Republic (CAR).

In Kenya the OSRO/RAF/010/SWE is specifically being implemented in Uasin Gishu and Kakuma.  Uasin Gishu was worst affected by Post Election Violence while Kakuma is an ASAL region and is a host to refugees and frequently experiences banditry attacks.

J/FFLS approach is the main methodology used and promoted in the project and where innovative interventions linking HIV and gender inequality issues to food security were utilized to deliver an integrated response, there is need therefore to document best practices and lessons learnt from this approach so that it can inform advocacy for replication in public and NGO using the regular extension services. This exercises shall be conducted by a consultant with the assistance from the ministry of Agriculture – extension services personnel.

The overall objective
The overall objective of the study is to document best practices and lessons learnt in the utilization  of the J/FFLS approach as a means of delivering integrated food security and nutrition response to HIV and gender inequities including GBV.  The documentation exercise shall be guided by the following:
1.      The extent to which J/FFLS approach has contributed to the young and adult farmers’ understanding and taking up agricultural activities
2.      Contribution of J/FFLS approach to food and nutrition security and livelihoods in the targeted districts/locations
3.      Contribution of J/FFLS to gender equality and HIV mitigation in the targeted locations
4.      Communities’/farmers’ perspectives about J/FFLS – what worked and what need to improved?
5.      Link between J/FFLS and Agricultural extension services, synergies and collaborations
6.      Adaption of J/FFLS in different context such as refugee camp, Internally Displaced persons (IDPs), other humanitarian settings and high potential areas etc.
7.      An economic assessment of the J/FFLS approach (in terms of cost (both in time and money) per person reached against effectiveness of knowledge transfer and adoption rate of ideas / technologies).
8.      Areas of policy dialogue and adoption of JFFLS

The documentation process will be based on an empirical approach, by undertaking an in-depth analysis of J/FFLS approach as applied by different FAO funded projects, understanding the season long crop cycle and documenting lessons and best practices in each stage of the crop cycle.  The consultant will give in detail the different types of techniques being tested under JFFLS and their usefulness in food security.  The approach of this documentation exercise shall include case studies, which will be followed by a final report, synthesizing best practices identified and the strategic lessons learned. 

Prior to the field work, the Consultant will review important documents/reports related to JFFLS approach. During the field visit, the consultant will methodologically follow a qualitative approach and use a broad range of data collection methods, such as in-depth individual interviews, focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews.
Scope of Work
The JFFLS Documentation  will be conducted in FAO funded projects.  The consultant shall review documents and interview FAO staff to gain in-depth understanding the JFFLS approach.  The consultant shall then visit FAO supported projects for documentation exercise. 

The consultant will undertake the following activities in collaboration with Country Office personnel:
  1. A literature review of relevant documents
  2. Interviews with FAO staff in Kenya
  3. Interviews with key informants (Master Trainers, Agricultural Extension Officers and Implementing partners)
  4. Visit  and observations JFFLS groups in Thika, Mwingi, Uasin Gishu, Bondo and Kakuma and documentation of case studies.
  5. Briefing staff and solicit feedback
  6. Provide the final report
  7. Dissemination of findings to stakeholders meeting

The proposed activity plan below
Literature review of relevant documents
3 days
Interview with relevant FAO staff in Kenya
3 days
Interview with key informants (Master trainers, Agriculture Extension Officers and Implementing partners
2 days
Visit to FAO projects
·         Kakuma
·         Uasin Gishu
·         Bondo
·         Mwingi
·         Thika

3 days
3 days
3 days
2 days
1 day
Briefing and solicit feedback and submission of final report

5 days
Workshop: Presentation of findings to stakeholders’ half day workshop
1 days
Consolidating feedback from workshop and final report
2 days
Total Time Frame
28 days

The consultant shall:

  • Case studies on best practices and lessons learnt
  • Final report: 2 Hard bound copies and one soft copy
  • PowerPoint presentation of the key findings that can be shared with counterparts in meetings, dissemination workshops, and other venues

Management Supervision
The Consultant will work closely with the FAO Gender and HIV and AIDs Officers and report to the Assistant FAORs (Implementation and Programmes)

Qualification Requirements

The consultant should have advance university degree in Agriculture, economics, development studies, social science, or other relevant disciplines.

Work Experience:

The consultant should have 7 years or more work experience and familiarity with the Farmers Field School approach.  Work experience with UN, preferably with experience and familiarity with FAO will be an added advantage. 

FAO is an equal opportunity employer; qualified women are encouraged to apply.  Acknowledgements will only be sent to applicants in whom FAO has a further interest.
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications may send their application letter, and a detailed CV clearly marked ; J/FFLS Documentation Analyst; STRICTLY BY EMAIL not later than  
26th October 2012, addressed to:

Office of the FAO Representative in Kenya
FAO Representation in Kenya
United Nations Office at Nairobi 
Block P, Level 3
PO Box 30470, 00100
Nairobi Kenya
E-mail : vacancy-Kenya@fao.org



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