Child Protection Data and Information Management System

Terms of Reference

About ICS 
ICS has the overall vision that people around the world are capable and willing to ensure the wellbeing of their children and to drive their own change. We believe that change for children in rural developing areas can only be build through an integrated holistic approach. ICS strives towards a better future for children and their societies by investing in social business and social services. Where ICS is investing in social enterprises, it also invests in social services simultaneously, based on local needs. Through this approach, ICS builds on stronger communities with the willingness and ability to drive their own change, leading to a better and safer future for their children.

In 2012, ICS together with 3 national partners (CLAN, KAACR and Childline Kenya) and the Government of Kenya through the Department of Children Services initiated the roll out of the child protection systems in Busia County, Kenya. This was based on the reasoning that creating a national or county vision for protecting children requires moving beyond piecemeal, project-based, and localized initiatives towards a more holistic approach in which a set of core mandates and duties are established. The roll out of the child protection system in Busia is guided by The Framework for the National Child Protection Systems in Kenya.

Data and information in child protection systems work is essential for sound planning, programming and decision making. In child protection systems strengththening work in Busia County, collection, analysis, management and continuous use /application of data at various levels has been recognized as a critical component that requires attention. To date, the following practical challenges are being experienced;
 Lack of standardized/suitable formats/templates for collecting data from multiple formal and informal sources
 One sided data process flows usually upon request by relevant authorities
 Wide geographical coverage with no centralized data collection system
 Limited capacity among actors on data and information management
 No automated system for collecting and managing data

Purpose of the assignment 
Successful implementation of the child protection system is based upon the availability and use of quality information. To facilitate the availability, application and exchange of child protection information at county level, there is need to have in place a child protection information management system. Leveraging on technology, the child protection information management system to be developed should facilitate the integration of data from multiple sources / actors and specifically be able to;
 Provide statistics about children who interact with the child protection system
 Track child protection trends over time
 Track individual child protection cases
 Provide reports and analysis of child protection concerns
 Provide information concerning the locations and activities of existing protection actors and service providers

Cumulatively, when analyzed, the resulting information from the system should provide a holistic picture of the child rights and child protection situation in the county to duly inform planning, programming and advocacy priorities.

Efforts at national level to come up with an information system to capture children issues from the whole country should provide a good basis for the county specific child protection information management system. The Department of Children Services at county level will maintain the responsibility to ensure appropriate information and data is available to support decision making. Therefore, the data and information system to be developed will be implemented and managed by the Children Officers at County and Sub County level.

  Nature and scope of the assignment 
 Develop a database system and accompanying standardized formats and templates for data collection to be used by both formal and informal actors. The data base is to be developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders , the main one being the Department of Children Services at County level
 Develop data collection guideline/protocol for implementation support
 Through training and mentorship, build the capacities of the government officers and key stakeholders to utilize and maintain the data and information management system

 Final data base with access rights and permissions
 Standardized templates for use by different actors in collecting information
 Data collection guideline and protocol to guide implementation of the data and information system
 Identified government officers and stakeholders trained on how to work with and maintain the data base. A training report and a 2 months follow up mentorship plan should be provided.

Duration of the assignment 
The assignment is estimated to start by 3rd April 2014 and be complete by 18th April 2014

Fee for the assignment 
A lump sum figure will be paid for the assignment. ICS will take care of the costs for the trainings that will be conducted.

Expertise required 
 5 years proven experience in software development and especially of data systems is essential
 Experience working within the development sector, preferably in child protection is, desirable
 At least Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, programming ,statistics or related filed Submission of interest Please submit your expression of interest including full CV, examples of related work done
before, proposed fee for entire assignment and a brief outline of proposed methodology and timelines for the consultancy to cc: marked ‘Expression of Interest to Develop Child Protection Data and Information system by March 28th 
2014. Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted.


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