
RFP number: AID-623-C-12-00001-001
Issuance Date: 28.02.2014
Closing Date: 10.03.2014
Closing Time: 5.00 pm EAT

Applications are invited from recognized qualified consultants to provide on-going support, coordination and execution, monitor and report on scheduled project activity plans for the Kenya Feed the Future Innovation Engine grantees. This role will provide support and coordination for the individual innovations in the different project areas. 

Under this solicitation, KFIE, based on an open competitive selection process, will issue 3 sub awards to 3 consultants (one for each program region) with a value of an agreed upon amount. If you decide to submit a bid, it must be submitted in accordance with the attached solicitation and received no later than the date and time indicated.

1.       Introduction and background
The Innovation Engine is a USAID funded program that identifies, fosters, and brings to scale innovative market-driven solutions to persistent food insecurity, under nutrition and poverty. This "Innovation Engine" seeks to partner people who design new concepts, products and services with investors who can maximize their commercial potential. We support experimentation and reward proven success that represent game-changing approaches for thousands of Kenyan families.

The Innovation Engine enables cutting-edge improvements in Kenyan incomes and household nutrition by identifying, nurturing and scaling up high-impact, cost-effective and measurable agricultural innovations. The Innovation Engine encourages "Innovation Champions" to challenge obstacles that hinder value chain development through their own ideas that meet farmer-identified needs and fit local contexts.
The Innovation Engine offers a unique partnership - both financial and technical support - to game-changers whose innovations show potential for large-scale impact across Kenya.

The Innovation Engine has shortlisted 7 innovations that show a potential for large scale impact across Kenya. Six (6) of these innovations are at “Proof of concept” with one (1) at the “Pilot roll-out” phase further elaborated below.

Stage 1: Proof of Concept – At this stage, innovation champions are provided seed capital to experiment and prototype with the aim of moving innovations from ideas to validated “proof of concept.” Most activity plans at this stage run between 6 and 12 months. 
Stage 2: Pilot Roll-Out - At this stage, aspiring innovations are introduced into the consumer/user environment to test technical and market viability. Pilots are accompanied by testing and market research to evaluate impact, benefits and potential to function at a larger scale. Most activity plans at this stage run between one to three years. 

2.       KFIE Field Set-up Framework
The Innovation Engine works primarily in Kenya’s Feed the Future target areas, namely:
  • High Rainfall zone 1 (HR1): encompassing all of Nyanza and Western Provinces and parts of Rift Valley Province (16 counties - Kisumu, Siaya, Vihiga, Homa Bay, Nyamira, Kisii Bungoma, Busia, Migori, Kakamega, Bomet, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kericho, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, Uashin Gishu).
  • Semi-Arid zone 2 (SA2): encompassing parts of Eastern and Coast Provinces (six counties - Machakos, Kitui, Makueni, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Taita Taveta)
  • Arid areas: consisting of five counties - Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Turkana and Wajir.

The current phase of activities to be implemented under this consultancy is clustered in three key regions, as outline below:
                     i.            High Rainfall zone 1 (HR1) with a total of three (3) innovations located in Homa Bay, Nyamira, and Bomet Counties.
                   ii.            Semi Arid zone 2 (SA2), sub-cluster 1 with a total of three (3) located innovations in Meru county.
                  iii.            Semi Arid zone 2 (SA2), sub-cluster 2 with a total of five (5) innovations located in Machakos county (2 innovations), and Makueni county (3 innovations).

NB: Three different field project coordinators are being sought, one for each of the regional clusters. Applicant will be expected to select any one of the regions where they would prefer to be based.
The consultant will work directly with the The Innovation Engine Awardee, but report directly to The Innovation Engine Management.

3.       Objectives
The main objectives of the consultancy are to oversee timely execution of innovations and provide oversight and reporting of scheduled activity plans for the individual innovations within the life of the innovations. The overall goal is to ensure the achievement of project objectives and delivery of project outputs.

4.       Specific scope of work

  1. Activity 1: Technical Backstopping  of Grantee Program Activities
The field project coordinator will coordinate execution of scheduled project activity plans for the Kenya Feed the Future Innovation Engine grantees. This role will provide implementation support and handholding for total service coordination for the individual innovations in the target project area.

  1. Activity 2: Coordination of Grantee Technical Support Teams:
The grantee will from time to time receive different forms of technical support from diverse teams including KFIE implementing partners, individual Technical Assistance (TA) consultants, M& E consultants, field interns, the innovation engine partners and collaborators, as well as donor visits. For effective and efficient service provision, this role will act as the first point of contact for these teams. The field coordinators will facilitate coordination of these support teams as per specific requests of the Innovation engine technical team and priorities.  

  1. Activity 3: Develop and maintain a database of relevant regional stakeholders and facilitate innovators outreach initiatives
The field project coordinator will develop an updated database of relevant regional stakeholders that will include but not limited to value chain working groups, processors, key traders, food and feed manufacturers, producer organizations, plant/ animal breeding agents, agricultural training centre’s, agricultural research institutions, heads of agriculture departments-public universities, input suppliers, among others. The project coordinator may from time to time be called upon to reach out to these contacts towards attending relevant workshops, seminars, schedule partner/ donor visits and meetings.
  1. Activity 3: Support Field monitoring of innovator implementation and project activities
The field coordinator will assist innovators to achieve and track key output and outcome indicators, track important events and forums such as partner workshops and field days and alert the innovators and innovation engine of any potential problems that may need attention, etc. While the main finding of project activities will be reported to the innovation engine and project partners in accordance with a set schedule, the consultant should be able to maintain up-to-date information on innovator implementation and project activities at all times.

  1. Activity 4: Support Grantees Field Reporting
The field coordinator will guide innovators to provide monthly and quarterly reporting to the innovation engine for the period of this intervention. These reports will include specific information related to outreach activities, trainings, progress of innovation execution, productivity data, among others. A reporting template with be provided by the innovation engine for this purpose.

5.       Deliverables
i.                     Coordination – Under this the coordinator will:
·         Ensure coordination of awardee program activities
·         Ensure all TA providers, M&E consultants, field Interns among other service providers  are well inducted as they work with Innovation engine awardees and that their activities are well harmonized with innovation implementation activities 
·         Collect and provide any information about their regions to the innovation engine, donors, innovation champions and support teams as needed
·         Keep abreast of regional events and activities and coordinate innovation engine awardees participation in relevant forums
ii.                   A detailed database of regional stakeholders developed and updated regularly for use by the innovation champions and the innovation engine.
iii.                  Reports
·         Ensure timely delivery of monthly and quarterly activity reports by all innovation champions to the Innovation engine
·         Consolidate innovation champion monthly activity  reports
·         Maintain project activity log per innovator by region
·         Maintain project output, outcome and impact datasheet
·         Provide monthly updates to the innovation engine innovation cluster managers via e-mail
·         Provide quarterly project progress updates per innovator by region
·         Report on coordination activities (weekly) using the innovation engine 10:30 weekly report template or any other reporting template provided.
iv.                 Monitoring
·         Provide feedback on progress of assigned innovations in the field.
·         Verify completion of milestones by innovators and report to the Innovation engine
·         Alert the Innovation engine of any potential problems arising from implementation
v.                   Ad-hoc:
·         Travel to project clusters to ensure project execution and quality
·         Host visits from innovation engine team members, donor, and implementing partners
·         Provide content for ad-hoc information requests by donors
·         Facilitate outreach to relevant stakeholders

6.       Time Frame and Proposed Level of Effort

The consultant should present a proposed timeline for completion of the aforementioned activities on the basis that a 9 – 10 man day’s level of effort per month is anticipated.  
The contract(s) will be awarded as and when implementation begins or as implementation progresses at the client organization(s) or as the case may be at the discretion of the Innovation Engine. The timing will also be dependent on the implementation period (or remaining implementation period) of the client organization. However, the consultant should be prepared to start work immediately.
Timelines will also be subject to the remaining period of the life of the award for the particular awardee/s or regions that the consultant is selected to provide the service for.

7.        Application Submission Requirements:
All interested candidates will submit their application as follows:
The consultant shall submit their CVs (with at least three (3) referees and bio data forms for consideration. Please include your telephone, fax and email contact.
 The ideal combination of skills required is:
-          A bachelor’s degree in agriculture, animal production, horticulture, natural resource management, ICT, business administration or related field. A relevant master’s degree is an added advantage.
-          Demonstrated working experience with at least one or more of the innovation engine focus value chains i.e. Horticulture; Staple food crops; Maize; and Ruminant livestock- dairy and non-dairy.
-          Extensive experience in the management of complex projects at national or regional levels;
-          Strong management skills including ability to provide strategic guidance, technical oversight, and develop work plans.
-          Proven track record in project management; at least 5 years experience
-          Excellent writing skills; ability to effectively communicate ideas and report outcomes.
-          Experience working with a donor organizations with implementation of participatory projects
-          Past experience of working with USAID or USAID sponsored organizations / projects will be an added advantage.
-          Willingness to work and be based in the field for the time period under consideration.

NB: The Innovation Engine and USAID/Kenya reserves the right to award contracts to any or none of the applications submitted.

Consultants interested in implementing these assignments are requested to submit their applications and bio data by Wednesday 10th March 2014 to the Engagement Manager at:

Land ‘O’ Lakes Inc.
Peponi Plaza, Block B Second floor
Off Peponi Road Westlands
GPO 45006-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Or by e mail to;



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