Heavy Machine Operators

Kiscol is committed to appointing and retaining the most qualified and competent staff who have proven future potential to effectively and efficiently perform duties and responsibilities that they shall be appointed to in accordance with the objectives of the organization.

Kwale International Sugar Company Limited (KISCOL) hereby invites applications from qualified and experienced individuals for the following positions:

Heavy machine operators (16 posts)

General requirement: Valid driving license stamped under "specified"

Grader operator: Duties and Responsibilities
Operates 150hp- 200hp Grader, checks, oil, fuel and coolant to the correct level.
Grades the road
Roughly grades bush cleared area of the field
Spreads evenly the dumped gravel on the road.
Registers the engine hour of the machine before starting and finishing of the job.
Excavator operator:

Duties and Responsibilities
Required to operate the track type excavator
Uproot trees and refill the area of uprooted tree by soil
Digs trench to flood channels
Dig and loads truck
Registers the engine hour of the machine before starting and finishing of the job.

Dozer operator:

Duties and Responsibilities
Required to operate dozer
Pushes soil and fallen trees to sides of the field
Windrows the fallen tree properly on the side
Demolishes the moulds
Registers the engine hour of the machine before starting and finishing of the job.

Backhoe operator:

Duties and Responsibilities
Operate the backhoe
Uproot trees and refill the area of uprooted tree by soil
Digs trench to flood channels
Load on the truck properly
Registers the engine hour of the machine before starting and finishing of the job.

Based at Ramisi, Msambweni

Qualified individuals are invited to send their application along with detailed CV to careers@kwale-group.com so as to be received on or before 11th July 2013


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