Portfolio Manager - Livestock

Context and Purpose
We are a non-governmental organisation (NGO) whose vision is to enable the sustainable transformation of markets for the benefit of the poor. This involves working in partnerships to facilitate improved functioning of markets, and to build capacity to make markets work better.  There is widespread agreement that the best way to improve the economic conditions of the poor is through improving the functioning of markets.  One method which has found success is the “making markets work for the poor” (M4P) approach developed by the Department for international development (DFID). The organisation uses the M4P methodology to facilitate “better markets, better lives”.

The Portfolio Manager for Livestock participates in the portfolio team through a market systems approach grounded in systems thinking and facilitation, and in doing so effectively implement a portfolio of interventions within the livestock market system. The manager will guide the implementation of proposed interventions, including developing and adapting results chains, implementing and measuring results, driving learning, and ensuring team performance.

The Portfolio Manager will lead implementation of technical support to private companies including ranches, entrepreneurs, meat processors and inputs and service providers in the livestock sector, in coordination with cross-cutting teams including media, gender and dispute resolution. The Manager will lead the process of measuring results and reporting on livestock sector work with private companies, and will facilitate wider lesson learning and knowledge management from MAP interventions. The Manager will participate in external forms related to livestock and pastoralist development in Kenya, and build strategic partnerships.

Organisation structure and reporting line for the Portfolio Manager
  • Portfolio Director <= Senior Portfolio Manager - Livestock <= Portfolio Manager – Livestock

Main Job Objectives
  • Effective research and analysis
  • Team driven performance of MAP interventions
  • Effective staff and team management
  • Effective knowledge management

Main Activities
Key Tasks
To achieve objective 1: Effective Research and Analysis
  • Regularly participate in system analysis and intervention concept notes    
  • Effectively support external researchers and consultants when it is necessary to commission external research support
  • Participate in regular portfolio review meetings         

To achieve objective 2:  Team Driven Performance of M4P Interventions
  • Undertake regular system analysis to inform actor engagement       
  • Proactively manage MAP’s engagement with system actors through invitations to MAP events; one to one meetings; cultivating system “champions”; and pushing knowledge flows and learning within the selected systems                
  • Proactively manage MAP’s engagement with other donor stakeholders and partners including influencing, sharing results and emerging lessons learnt, and fostering aligned approach strategies.       
  • Work Closely with the Knowledge and results team, Water, Inputs and media teams to coordinate approaches

To achieve objective 3: Effective Staff and Team Management
  • To provide leadership and guidance to junior managers and officers in developing results chains which provide the management and results framework for the team, systems and intervention strategies.      
  • Identify and cultivate suitable relationships with implementing partners and service providers and oversee managers in managing contractual relationships and grant agreements.      
  • To quality assure annual work plans and supporting budgets for each system and intervention produced.           
  • To ensure monthly financial reports and returns to the Finance and Administration Unit have been prepared and submitted by managers            

To achieve objective 4: Effective Knowledge Management
  • Prepare quarterly reports to inform the portfolio review process     
  • Proactively identify opportunities for expansion of systems and interventions within the system               
  • Produce case studies when requested to do so by the Research, Knowledge Management and Communications Unit     
  • Proactively produce research papers designed to shape the dialogue on system issues        
  • Participate in system workshops and meetings and represent MAP at relevant conferences both internationally and domestically          

Responsibilities and Relationships
  • Reporting to:
    • Senior Portfolio Manager – Livestock
  • Staff:
    • Portfolio Officers, young professionals and interns
  • Internal relationships:
    • Working in partnership with other managers/portfolio teams, Results Managers, Communications Managers, and Finance Managers
  • External relationships:
    • All system actors within selected systems, implementation partners  as well as relevant donor programmes.

Experience and skills
The Portfolio manager will have:
  • Education to degree level or equivalent in a relevant discipline such as Economics, Anthropology, Agribusiness, Development Studies, Business Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing
  • At least 2 years’ experience working in a private system development programme, preferably with a specific focus on market development, business development services, or value chain improvement;
  • Experience and knowledge of the livestock sector in Kenya, including pastoral communities;
  • Experience of stakeholder engagement; developing partnerships and managing relationships with donors, NGOs, private system consultancies and government;
  • Leadership: setting a strategic vision and getting performance from people
  • Analytical and writing skills and experience in evidence-based reporting of results;
  • Communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in developing (coaching) staff;
  • Use of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

  • Prior knowledge and exposure to the making markets work for the poor (M4P) approach, or value chain analysis
  • Experience financial management and reporting;

  • The behaviours the job holder must have, or should acquire to perform effectively include knowledge sharing and learning, teamwork, delivering results, integrity and trust, leadership, managing people and innovation and opportunity.

This job was first listed on BrighterMonday

Direct URL to this job http://www.brightermonday.co.ke/100239


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