Education Assessment Survey – Somaliland

Caritas Switzerland/Luxembourg has been supporting Somaliland programme to implement development and emergency humanitarian projects since 1995. The programme mainly focusses on the disadvantaged and underprivileged sections of society through opening new opportunities to improve their lives by increasing access to water, improving sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and access to formal and non formal education and life skills development. The geographical coverage of the programe has been in Maroodi Jeeh and Togdheer regions but the current 5 years Country Strategy (2012-2016 has expanded the operational area to include Sool region.

The programmes’ education sector plans to expand its thematic areas of interventions and consequently requires identification of the current basic needs in the formal primary, non-formal and life skills education thematic areas. The outcome of the assessment will guide future support in education targeting the disadvantaged and marginalised groups in the three regions of Maroodi Jeeh, Togdheer and Sool regions. The following facts on the ground will be central to guiding the assessment survey. 

1) As a new area for Caritas education interventions an assessment and identification of the education needs of Sool region and the target groups is required;
2) To make the outcome of the assessment inclusive and pragmatic the survey will require to focus on past experiences and the status of education interventions in the other two regions;
3) Somaliland is rated to have one of the highest levels of illiteracy in the world and education of girls ( and women) remains significantly disadvantaged compared to that of boys;
4) With a focus to improving the lives of the people the programme recognises the close linkages between non formal education and life skills development that lead to income earning;
5) The government of Somaliland has introduced free primary education which has increased enrolment and demand for classrooms, teachers, teaching and learning materials and other related costs.

Position Consultant - Education Needs Assessment Survey
Reporting to Head of Education & Capacity Building Department
Location Hargeisa, Somaliland
Start Immediately
Duration Max. 16 days

Key tasks & responsibilities
The main tasks and responsibilities of the consultant will include but not limited to;
1) A desk review of Caritas education support and interviews with Ministry of education staff to a) get data and information of Caritas past education interventions, b) government policy and priorities, c) formal and non formal curricula and d) the status of present education in the three regions;
2) Develop data collection tools and guide information and data collection from the community, schools, education offices and other education institutions and stakeholders, including education offered in regional and district prisons;
3) Explore, collate and analyse the data and information collected at both levels and identify what areas of the formal and non formal curricula are effectively supported and by whom and where. The analysis should be guided by the central aim of identifying education needs, gaps, and the challenges that may affect future Caritas interventions in providing educational services;
4) Report on the process and outcome of the assessment

 Masters’ Degree in education, curriculum development or development studies;
 Specialized in education research;
 Good analytical, and report writing skills;
 Knowledge of Non-Formal Education will be an advantage Deliverables

A comprehensive final report that identifies education programs currently in place in the three regions and by whom? and where? focusing on the education needs, gaps, and the challenges in the formal primary, non formal education and vocational education and training. The report should make recommendations prioritized according to the highest education need in each region/institution. Application

If you are confident that you fit the required profile, please indicate in a cover letter how your qualifica-tions and experience match the requirements of the assignment by sending an application letter and your updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with telephone contacts, names of three referees and earliest date of availability.
Inn addition we shall require 1) a technical proposal on how you plan to carry out the assignment 2) proposal of your work plan including enumerators and 3) expected rate of payment per day. Send your application latest by 25th of July 2012 via email indicating “Education Assessment Survey – Somaliland” in the subject line.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Website and


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