Vacancies Nairobi Women's Hospital

Nairobi Women’s Hospital is trusted with the healthcare of Women in Africa, and with passion, we deliver healthcare.

We are recruiting for the following high calibre individuals to join our team of healthcare professionals.  Interested applicants are invited to send their applications detailing current and expected salary and CV with contact details of three referees to the General Manager Human Resource P.O. Box 10552-00100 Nairobi, clearly marking the application with position applied for. Applications can also be emailed to with the position applied for as the subject line by Friday, August 3rd 2012DO NOT attach your certificates.

Programme Officer- Gender Violence Recovery Centre

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Ensuring projects are implemented in line with GVRC and NWH policies and in collaboration with both GVRC and NWH staff members
2.        Ensuring logistical preparation of partners meeting and activities
3.        Identifying, engaging and coordinating activities with strategic partners
4.        Ensuring continued abreast of key developmental issues and/or social change management in order to identify opportunities including tracking policies to influence their outcomes in relation to GVRC vision
5.        Developing and implementing research agenda and facilitating the research; including and not limited to coordination of the research, analysis, consultancy, policy formulation, and advocacy and lobbying activities.
6.        Consulting and negotiating with partners and other stakeholders to strengthen channels of influence and impact with regard to GVRC objectives.
7.        Participation in development and implementation of organization strategies including monitoring and evaluation
8.        Ensuring capacity building of staff skills in policy advocacy and clear communication and understanding of GVRC policy positions.
9.        Managing the networks to provide information, producing briefings and position papers as and when required.
10.     Mobilizing and facilitating training on GBV, HIV/AIDs and other relevant areas.
11.     Ensure weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual narrative reports to the manager programmes
12.     Ensure Superior Customer Experience to both internal and external clients

Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 2 years relevant work experience
2.        Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or its equivalent.
3.        Programs development course will be an added advantage
4.        Relevant masters degree will be an added advantage

Internal Audit Officer

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Planning and conducting audits in line with audit plan and any special investigations that may be assigned.
2.        Planning and conducting compliance reviews for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Hospital policies and procedures.
3.        Monitoring operations and identify areas of risk for the purpose of recommending corrections and improvements.
4.        Performing impromptu compliance checks on stock management and cash floats.
5.        Witnessing and ensuring accuracy of stock take as per the hospital policy
6.        Evaluating hospital management information and accounting systems to determine their efficiency and effectiveness.
7.        Document findings and follow up on recommendations to ensure they are implemented.
8.        Contributing to the development of the group audit and risk function through specific initiatives to develop tools and processes.
9.        Ensuring quality assurance through functional monthly quality assurance committee audits and meetings.
10.     Ensuring Superior Customer Experience to both internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 3 years relevant work experience
2.        B.Com Accounting/ Finance
3.        CPA(K) or equivalent

Laboratory Technologist

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Ensuring all Laboratory equipments are in good condition before starting the day’s work 
2.        Ensuring availability and optimum utilization of reagents for cost effectiveness
3.        Producing timely and accurate in line SOPs
4.        Billing all procedures to capture revenue
5.        Documenting all processes and results to ensure availability of supportive information
6.        Implementing all set stock control procedures to ensure accountability
7.        Ensure Superior Customer Experience to all internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 2 years experience
2.        Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from a board recognized institution
3.        Registration with the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technologist and Technicians Board
4.        HND is an added advantage

Pharmaceutical Technologist

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
  1. Receiving, filling and dispensing drugs and medical supplies  as  ordered or prescribed by a qualified medical practitioners
  2. Inventory control
  3. Ensuring pharmacy equipments are kept in good working condition
  4. Ensuring regular updates on the various pharmacies registers e.g. DDA, ARV’s e.t.c.
  5. Filling/storing  prescriptions and maintaining them for the required number of years as guided by law
  6. Ensuring prompt communication to clients of any therapeutic incompatibilities and potential drug interactions
  7. Clarification of prescription to patients and notification of any prescription errors to the prescriber
  8. Updating of drug patient bills
  9. Generating  relevant reports  as the basis for the statistical reports on the consumption and balances of stocks in the pharmacy
  10. Promoting rational drug therapy
  11. Ensure Superior Customer Experience to all internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 2 years experience
2.        Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
3.        Valid registration license by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Medical Records Technologist

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Processing patient’s documents.
2.        Ensuring security and confidentiality of medical records.
3.        Maintaining patient’s files (medical records) and documenting their condition and treatment.
4.        Following up on discharged patients, their families and physicians. i.e. patients with terminal illnesses.
5.        Preparing statistical, narrative and graphic presentations of information for use by the hospital staff and researchers.
6.        Maintaining and operating a variety of health record indexes and storage and retrieval systems to collect, classify, store and analyze information.
7.        Ensure Superior Customer Experience to all internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 1 years relevant experience
2.        Diploma in Medical Records and Information Systems

Senior Staff Nurses

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Delivering a professional and high standard of nursing care  within the section while leading a team of nurses in delivering projects and team targets
2.        Orientating new staffs at the section level
3.        Maintaining good communication within the section and other sections to provide unified approach to patient care
4.        Implementing health and safety regulations and  policies and procedure
5.        Administering prescribed treatment to patients as necessary.
6.        Ensuring patients/clients proper orientation within the sections.
7.        Ensuring accurate information is relayed to clinical staff on a patient’s condition
8.        Caring for postoperative patient by undertaking and recording post operative observations.
9.        Responding to and reporting any abnormal recordings to the person in charge
10.     Implementing emergency procedure including resuscitation as and when necessary
11.     Conducting training in NWHMTC including clinical instruction and ensure clinical supervision of all students
12.     Labeling and dispatching specimens to laboratory promptly and safely
13.     Undertaking routine duties to prepare and clear the ward before admission and after discharge
14.     Ensuring patients are provided with relevant health education and follow up care.
15.     Participating in continuous medical education
16.     Ensuring proper documentation, maintaining proper records, confidentiality, and handing over between shifts at all times
17.     Preparing, implementing and monitoring departmental rotas including reports. 
18.     Ensuring Superior Customer Experience to both internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 3 years relevant experience (BSN qualifications)
2.        At least 6 years relevant experience with KRCHN with diploma in specialised area (s) and ability to work in more than one specialised areas
3.        Consistent good performance for 4 years
4.        KRCHN with diploma in specialised area (paediatric, theatre, ICU or Maternity) and working knowledge in more than one specialised areas
5.        Diploma in a specialised area
6.        BSN or its equivalent is an added advantage
7.        Membership to a professional body

Staff Nurses

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Delivering a professional and high standard of nursing care  within the section
2.        Orientating new staffs at the section level
3.        Maintaining good communication within the section and other sections to provide unified approach to patient care
4.        Implementing health and safety regulations and  policies and procedure
5.        Administering prescribed treatment to patients as necessary.
6.        Ensuring patients/clients proper orientation within the section.
7.        Ensuring accurate information is relayed to clinical staff on a patient’s condition
8.        Responding to and reporting any abnormal recordings to the person in charge
9.        Implementing emergency procedure including resuscitation as and when necessary
10.     Labeling and dispatching specimens to laboratory promptly and safely
11.     Undertaking routine duties to prepare and clear the ward before admission and after discharge
12.     Ensuring patients are provided with relevant health education and follow up care.
13.     Participating in continuous medical education
14.     Ensuring proper documentation, maintaining proper records, confidentiality, and handing over between shifts at all times
15.     Ensure Superior Customer Experience to both internal and external clients
Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 2 years relevant experience
2.        KRCHN with basic training in specialised area (paediatric, theatre, ICU or Maternity)
3.        BSN or its equivalent is an added advantage
4.        Membership to a professional body

Entry  Nurses

The key responsibilities of this role will include but not limited to:-
1.        Delivering a professional and high standard of nursing care  within the section
2.        Maintaining good communication within the section and other sections to provide unified approach to patient care
3.        Implementing health and safety regulations, policies and procedure
4.        Ensuring information management
5.        Administering prescribed treatment to patients as necessary.
6.        Ensuring patients/clients proper orientation within the section.
7.        Ensuring accurate information is relayed to clinical staff on a patient’s condition
8.        Caring for postoperative patient by undertaking and recording post operative observations
9.        Responding to and reporting any abnormal recordings to the person in charge
10.     Implementing emergency procedures as and when necessary
11.     Labeling and dispatching specimens to laboratory promptly and safely
12.     Undertaking routine duties to prepare and clear the ward before admission and after discharge
13.     Ensuring patients are provided with relevant health education and follow up care.
14.     Participating in continuous medical education
15.     Ensuring proper documentation, maintaining proper records, confidentiality, and handing over between shifts at all times
16.     Ensure Superior Customer Experience to all internal and external clients

Qualifications and Skills
1.        At least 6 months relevant experience
2.        KRCHN or equivalent
3.        Membership to a professional body


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