Field Officer

Job Title: Field Officer 
Department: Programmes 
Reporting to: Assistant Social Protection Rights Coordinator 
Key relations: HSNP SPR Manager, Social Protection Rights Coordinator, Advocacy Team Programme Officers, Learning Officer, Communications Officer, Regional Development Centre staff, Staff of statutory organizations Community members 

Overall Job Purpose
To liaise with the Social Protection Rights Coordinator and his Assistant in implementing the programme in the Counties of operation and ensure compliance to Donor and HelpAge guidelines/standards at field level. 

1. Facilitate visits, community mobilization meetings and engagements with community leaders. 
2. Represent the organization at the community level during program implementation
3. Facilitate election, training of Rights Committee and monitoring programs in prescribed sub-locations according to SPR terms of reference.
4. Facilitate the setting up of advocacy groups and realization of the mandate of the advocacy groups
5. Facilitate work by the statutory bodies and the rights committees
6. Manage contract staff collecting data on payment spot checks
7. Facilitate the Community trainings on Issues of Rights and systems put in place for grievance.
8. Collection of Complaints and escalating them for further adjudication
9. Prepare work plans for field activities and ensure their timely submission for approval.
10. Prepare regular and timely program reports and submit to the Assistant Programme Coordinator.
11. Collect accurate and complete data that meets all MIS data input requirements
12. Ensure that feedback on all complaints is fed back to the community on a regular and timely manner and in line with the  stipulated service level agreement.
13. Ensure effective and accurate communication to all stakeholders at the community level on the programme
14.  Any  other  duties  allocated  by  the  supervisor

Knowledge  and Skills: 

1.  A  Diploma  in  Development  studies  or  community  development  or  any  related  field
2.  Experience  in  field  based  community  work  preferably  in a NGO environment
3.  Ability  to  plan,  follow  procedures  and  meet  deadlines  without  much  supervision.
4.  Ability  to  conduct  training  at  the  community  level.
5.  Excellent  mobilization  ,coordination  and  communication skills
6.  Good  report  writing  skills
7. A  team player
8.  Knowledge  of  the  requisite local language

To apply for this position, please send an updated CV, copies of certificates and covering letter, explaining how you meet the criteria for this role to the Regional Human Resource Coordinator on by 27th July, 2012, clearly indicating the position you are applying for on the subject of  your email.


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