Institutional Development Expert

1.      Background

The Non State Actors Support Programme: NSA-NET is a democratic governance Programme implemented by the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs (MoJNCCA) with financing from the 9th European Development Fund of the European Union. The Programme specifically seeks to strengthen mechanisms, networks and capacity for deepening and broadening of NSAs’ involvement in development processes and is mainly implemented through funding of NSAs and Cultural Actors.

As a part of the technical assistance to Non State Actors, the Programme is seeking the services of a short term Institutional Development Expert with Experience on CSO networks to facilitate a two - day workshop for senior staff and board members of Peace Net to review and update its organisational structure with a view enhancing its effectiveness as a network.

2.      Expected outputs
·         Current organisational structure reviewed
·         Actual workshop conducted
·         Workshop report submitted.

3.      Qualifications

3.1 Qualifications and skills
·         Master’s degree in Institutional Development, Business Management, Development Administration, Public Administration management or any other relevant field;
·         Excellent facilitation skills; and
·         Excellent analytical and report writing skills

3.2 General professional experience
  • Minimum eight years of professional experience in facilitating institutional development, change management, capacity building and training programmes; and
  • Understanding of how effective network organisations are organised and operate both locally and internationally.

3.3  Specific professional experience

  • Minimum of 5 years professional experience in organizational design especially in assisting nonprofit sector bodies in optimizing their organizational and work structures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their service delivery; and
  • The expert should demonstrate that s(he) has conducted at least three assignments similar or closely related to the above in the last three years.

4.      Language Requirements

Excellent spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

5.      Application details

All applications should be addressed to:

Programme Manager
Non State Actors Support Programme: NSA - NET
Extelcoms House, 5th Floor,
Haile Selassie Avenue
P.O. Box 61978-00200

Email applications should be submissions should be submitted to

Deadline for submission is Wednesday 11th July 2012. 


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