WASH Intern (Network Facilitator)


SNV is an international capacity development organisation that works in 35 countries in five regions.
In WASH SNV supports initiatives in 9 countries in East and Southern Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Sudan and Ethiopia.  The role of SNV is: (1) provision of advisory services, (2) Knowledge networking and (3) promotion of evidence-based advocacy.  The WASH programme provides technical and capacity building support to local partners from the public, private and NGO sector with the objective of increasing sustainable and equitable access to water, sanitation and hygiene in rural areas and small towns. The SNV WASH programme work is centred around 4 product areas: (1) Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for ALL, (2) Functionality of rural water supply services, (3) WASH in schools and (4) Sustainable water supply in peri-urban areas and small towns.  The WASH programme has its own sector leader and a team of WASH advisors. 

SNV has developed the strategy 2013-2015 where knowledge Development and Networking is at the core of SNV work and is cross cutting in all the WASH product areas. The core role of SNV in knowledge development and networking is diagnosing, developing and disseminating knowledge around key constraints and opportunities and fostering innovation.  To strengthen knowledge development and networking, a regional WASH knowledge Network has been established to foster knowledge development, exchange and collaboration.  The regional WASH Knowledge network is led by a Sponsor WASH Director and a Network Leader. They together with the sector leaders from each country, form the core group that sets out the directions of the WASH network.

2.       The assignment and objectives:

In order to strengthen the development of the ESA WASH program and the functioning of the WASH Knowledge Network, SNV requires the services of an intern to work with the Knowledge Network Leader (KNL) to: (1) strengthen products development, (2) accelerate knowledge development, (3) promote resource mobilization and (4) promote partnership development.

3.       The specific tasks to be accomplished and results to be achieved:

Strengthen Products development
1.       Support the KNL to develop user friendly product/program sheets
2.       Track and keep an update of the WASH workforce  resource in ESA including CVs and setting up a consultancy base of WASH consultants,
3.       Continually collect and keep an update of best practices per product including project references.
4.       Promote the generation, simple storage and updating of WASH pictures/photos in ESA.
5.       Establish and implement a framework for scanning, collecting and continually documenting the demand for interns in the WASH sector
6.       Support the KNL and Sponsor WASH Director in compiling and sharing the WASH program progress updates
1.       Four user friendly product sheets
2.       Updated record of WASH advisors CVs, competencies and skill mix.
3.       Updated project references for the 4 programs
4.       Photo/picture gallery of pictures of WASH interventions
5.       A functional system providing yearly inventory of WASH interns interested to work with WASH in ESA
6.       Mid -year and Annual WASH progress updates
Accelerate Knowledge development
1.       Support the KNL to facilitate development and implementation corporate action research
2.       Support the KNL to facilitate development, implementation and sharing results of ESA cross country knowledge.
3.       Support in facilitation of d-group discussions on relevant WASH topics
4.       Support the KNL/sponsor WASH director to organize regional WASH Knowledge Network workshops and meetings
5.       Establish and implement a framework for streamlining, uploading and continually updating the ESA WASH intranet site
6.       Scan and support the KNL to facilitate publication of ESA WASH experiences/cases
7.       Scan and share links with ESA advisors on important publications and knowledge sites. 
1.       Logistical, administrative  and documentation support provided
2.       Cross country knowledge development initiatives supported
3.       D-group discussions successfully facilitated
4.       Regional workshops and meetings successfully organized
5.       A functional and updated ESA WASH intranet site
6.       Publications in the media
7.       Publication and knowledge sites shared with WASH advisors
8.       Active use of social media Twitter, Blogs, Facebook
Promote RM
1.       Establish and implement a framework for continually scanning, updating and sharing opportunities for resource mobilization in WASH
2.       Support the KNL/sponsor WASH director in the development of RM strategies and proposals for the key projects identified for BD and scalability per WASH program.
3.       Development of WASH project references in different formats (USAID, EU,…)
1.       RM opportunities shared with ESA advisors
2.       Strategies and proposals developed for BD and scalability project areas identified in Addis Ababa.
Promote partnership development
1.       Establish and implement a framework for continually scanning, updating and sharing opportunities for knowledge partnerships
1.       Partnership opportunities shared with ESA WASH advisors

4.       Requirements:

4.1.    Education and Work Experience:

·         BA/BSc  or MA/MSc with least 2 years of experience in communications related fields/Knowledge development fields

4.2.    Specific skills

·         Good planning and reporting skills
·         Strong desire to develop knowledge and learn
·         Actively focused on achieving results and objectives
·         Good oral and written communication, analysing, writing and computer skills.
·         Good interpersonal skills

5.       Duration:

1 year

6.       Duty Location:

Nairobi, Kenya

7.       Salary Scale:

 SNV’s stipend for interns

8.       Desired Appointment date:

August 2012.

9.       Application:

Please send your application letter and CV to kenya@snvworld.org (att. HR Officer) before 25th July, 2012 with reference to “WASH Intern” as cover letter/subject title


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