Logistics Assistant

Job Title: Logistics Assistant
Department: Finance & Administration
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Responsible To: Senior Administrative Officer
Relations with Others: All EWCARDC staff, partners and other third parties
Purpose: The overall purpose of this position is facilitation of logistics support region including taking staff to meetings and field visits, maintenance and safety of vehicle fleet and running official errands.

1.1 Logistics

• Assist with mana agement of EWCARDC fleet of vehicles --routine minor and major servic ce, ensuring adequate fuel, checking and keeping record of any damage too vehicle or accident and bringing these tto attention of  supervisor 
• Ensuring fleet of f vehicles have undergone any statutory innspection and other regulatory  equirement 
• Ensure logging  of mileage of fleet of vehicles is up to datee 
• Running daily errands as allocated by SAO based on Erraands Request  register 
• Ensuring safety of passenger, the vehicle being driven an nd other road users 
• Invoicing staff for private mileage every month 
• Ensuring EWCA ARDC Transport Policy is adhered to. 

1.2 Others 
• Act as an offic cial EWCARDC bank agent 
• Assist with qu uarterly and annual stock-take 
• Assist with fra anking, sorting, photocopying and binding g documents on request 
• Assist with proocurement duties including soliciting for q quotes via email, petty purchas ses etc 
• Assist in proc cessing of work permits and staff travel do ocuments 
• Any other dut ty that may be assigned by supervisor or management Person Specification: 


• At least 5 years expe erience in logistics work. 

• Good driving skills, valid driving license and a thorough knowledge of Nairobi and its environs. 
• Basic knowledge of computer packages including word processing, email and internet 
• Ability to work independently. 
• Certificate of good conduct 
• Neat, courteous and sensitive to other cultures 


• Strong interpersonal and communication skills. 
• Excellent time management skills 
• Team player skills 

Education Criteria: 

• At least secondary school level of education 
• Certificate in motor vehicle mechanics 
• Background in purchasing and supplies an added advantage. 


· Previous NGO working experience

To apply for this position, please send an updated CV, copies of certificates and covering letter, explaining how you meet the criteria for this role to the Regional Human Resource Coordinator on helpage@helpage.co.ke by 27th July, 2012, clearly indicating the position you are applying for on the subject of  your email.


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