Mapping of Private Sector awareness and response to MDG5 and exploring opportunities for UNFPA

Mapping Private Sector awareness and response to MDG5 and exploring opportunities for UNFPA – Private sector partnerships in Kenya

VACANCY NO:                  VA/FPA/KEN/06/2012
CLOSING DATE:                    Thursday, 12 July 2012
POST TITLE:                           Consultant
POST TYPE:                             Individual Contract

UNFPA wishes to recruit a consultant to undertake Mapping of Private Sector awareness and response to MDG5 and exploring opportunities for UNFPA (Private Sector Partnerships in Kenya).  Interested persons are expected to submit their applications (motivational letter) as well as P-11 forms which can be accessed at through the email

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the international development agency which has as goal to achieve universal access to SRH (including family planning), to promote reproductive rights, reduce maternal mortality, and to accelerate progress on the ICPD agenda and MDG 5 (A and B), in order to empower and improve the lives of underserved populations, especially women and young people (including adolescents), enabled by an understanding of population dynamics, human rights and gender equality, and driven by country needs and tailored to country contexts.

Traditionally, UNFPA has established partnerships with host governments mainly line ministries and other public administrations as well as legislative bodies including parliament. Partnership has – and continues to be - equally essential and paramount with civil society organizations and particularly NGOs, faith based organizations, research centers, academic institutions, medical and professional societies and syndicates, among other. Given its considerable role in promoting the visibility of UNFPA’s work and reaching out to the wider audience, the media is also a main actor and key partner to UNFPA. All these entities have acted either as implementing partners, advocates/lobbyists, and/or providers of services.

Yet, there are hardly any significant anecdotes in Kenya that showcase successful and mutually beneficial partnerships with the private sector – as non-traditional partners - despite the fact that for a number of those, there does indeed exist common grounds and possible overlap with UNFPA’s mandate in areas such as human rights, youth empowerment, reproductive health including family planning, women empowerment and community well-being.

General knowledge on the evolution of UN engagement with the private sector is documented in a recent report published by the UN Global Compact Office offers valuable insight on UN/Private Sector engagement: Coming of Age: UN-Private Sector Collaboration since 2000 . The report indicates that it is indeed productive to work with interested private sector entities to design collaborative partnerships where both sides gain value, and provides concrete examples of such collaboration.

Based on the above, this assignment aims at mapping out selected private sector enterprises and understanding how to partner with them. The Private Sector in this context refers primarily to “for-profit” private enterprises. The survey aims to focus on Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) members as well as other (affiliated) Corporate Social Responsibility networks in Kenya. Among other, the banking sector, manufacturers, airline carriers, social media and business and industry associations shall be targeted. Upon completion of this assignment, UNFPA will build on its findings to engage proactively in initiating partnerships based on common grounds and to build mutually-beneficial relationships that can help both organizations achieve their goals while maintaining the integrity of UNFPA programmes and mandate.

A consultant will be contracted to carry out the following tasks:
1.      Prepare an action plan with timeline of activities to be carried out under this assignment.
2.      Conduct a brief review of available and relevant literature at the national, regional, and global levels in connection with the objectives of the study.
3.      In close consultation with UNFPA office, the consultant shall discuss and understand the scope and nature of the UNFPA programme areas (i.e. Population, Reproductive Health, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, Youth) as well as strategic interventions (i.e. advocacy, capacity development, awareness/outreach, generation of knowledge and evidence, etc). The comprehension of the UNFPA programme will allow the consultant to better assess and investigate common areas of interest by the private sector entities which could potentially be aligned and linked with UNFPA’s programme interventions.
4.      In consultation with GCNK and UNFPA, the consultant will identify 40 private sector actors. The survey aims to focus on Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) members as well as other (affiliated) Corporate Social Responsibility networks in Kenya. Among other, the banking sector, manufacturers, airline carriers, social media and business and industry associations shall be targeted.
5.      The consultant will set up meetings and survey the 40 identified private sector actors about their awareness and response to MDG5 and interest in partnering with UNFPA. The base survey will be provided by UNFPA. Meetings are to be conducted face to face in Nairobi, or through other mean in case of the private sector actors to be situated outside of Nairobi.
6.      In consultation with GCNK and UNFPA select 5-10 actors for further desk review to compile relevant and available information on UNFPA / Private Sector best partnership opportunities.
7.      Develop a summary matrix of the survey and desk review results and prepare a draft analytical report to be reviewed by UNFPA and finalize report based on input and comments.
8.      Present/discuss findings/recommendations of the assignment with pertinent stakeholders at a workshop.

Expected Outputs
The following deliverables are expected to be provided by the consultant by the end of the assignment in English:
1.      A comprehensive descriptive and analytical report including detailed description of the methodologies used; discussion and analysis of the results, recommendations based on above scope, and annexes presenting the tools, instruments, documented results of the survey and interviews.  One of the key annexes is the matrix describing the profiles of the shortlisted companies indicating the alignment of the assessed companies with UNFPA’s mandate, programmatic priorities, and strategic interventions. Another annex will include a list of additional private sector entities not assessed under this consultancy but who could potentially be mapped out in the future.  The Structure of the report will be discussed with UNFPA upon initiation of the consultancy.
2.      An executive summary of the above report highlighting the findings, analysis, and recommendations
3.      Power point presentation with major findings and recommendations.
4.      Facilitation of a discussion of the major findings and recommendations at a workshop.

Duration of Assignment
30 working days from the signing date of the contract.

Support Provided by UNFPA and GCNK
Support will be provided to the consultant as follows:
·         Material and reports about UNFPA and GCNK for literature review
·         Brief summary and contact details of the identified and agreed upon private sector entities
·         Continuous guidance and advice throughout the whole consultancy

Qualification and/or specialized knowledge/experience
·         Advanced University degree in social sciences, public administrations, management and business administration, international affairs or other related areas
·         At least 5-9 years’ experience with the private, business, and/or banking sectors with considerable knowledge in social development
·         Excellent research and analytical skills with considerable experience in social and market research as well as surveys methodology
·         Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to establish effective and working relations with other stakeholders
·         Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English. 


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