Communications Specialist - AFF

Job opening ID156
DepartmentAfrican Forest Forum (AFF)
Posting titleCommunications Specialist - AFF
DesignationCommunications Specialist
Job SummaryThe African Forest Forum is recruiting a Communication Specialist (CS) responsible for the writing, editing and production of technical publications and maintaining communication platforms such as website, intranet, mass media and social media.
Number of positions1
Job typeFull time
Posted on03/11/2015
Job CategoryNationally Recruited Staff
Roles and responsibilitiesThe Communications Specialist will:

1. Develop, maintain and update the AFF communication strategy and associated work plans.
2. Identify high-interest areas and prepare articles from AFF work, and disseminate them through a variety of press, development news and social media channels.
3. Organize and manage the content of AFF’s website and contribute to related project web sites, social media outlets and blogs.
4. Coordinate production of books, compendia, training modules, working papers, journal articles, reports, policy briefs, factsheets, posters, fliers, graphical, photographic and video materials on AFF activities and results.
5. Providing writing, reviewing and editorial assistance for AFF’s reports, publications and proposals.
6. Elicit decision-makers information preferences, and target and support communications to key clients.
7. Maintain and update communications monitoring and evaluation plans as well as conduct timely and accurate monitoring of communication activities to ensure objectives are met and the strategy is effective.
8. Undertake lessons learned, review successful and unsuccessful communication experiences, and share findings.
Skill set• A Masters in Communications or related subject.
• Minimum experience of five (5) years in a similar position, preferably in an international organization related to natural resource management related field (e.g., forestry, environmental sciences).
• Experience in developing compelling stories from research papers and interaction with scientists.
• Outstanding skills in written and spoken English. Knowledge of the French language is an added advantage.
• Experience in developing and maintaining content for web and social media sites.
• Experience in engaging with donors in fund raising efforts in a research organization.
• Well-rounded knowledge of development issues related to natural resources, forestry and/or the environment.
Work experience5 years
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Duty stationNairobi, Kenya


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