
The Rift Valley Institute ( is a small, expanding, independent non-profit organisation working in eastern and central Africa. The Institute operates at the interface between research, policy and education, aiming to advance understanding of the region and its diverse communities. RVI programmes are designed for long-term impact: shaping aid interventions, expanding space for public participation in policy, supporting local research capacity, preserving communal histories and promoting social justice. The activities of the Institute include action-oriented research, field-based training, online digital archives, distance learning, open-access publishing and support for educational institutions in eastern and central Africa. There are offices in the UK (London), in Kenya (Nairobi), in South Sudan (Juba) and in the United States (Annandale-on-Hudson). The Institute is a registered charity. RVI staff and Fellows are drawn from Eastern and Central Africa, and from Europe, Asia and America. The RVI is an equal-opportunity employer.
Title - Intern
Employment type - Four days a week
Duration - 3 months
Start date - April 2015
Compensation - Travel and lunch allowance
  • The administration and organisation of annual field courses.
  • The administration and organisation of Nairobi Forum events.
  • Drafting and editing of meeting reports.
  • Information management.
  • Research.
  • General support in all RVI projects and programmes, where required.
  • General administration of the RVI Nairobi office and assistance to the Regional Director and other members of staff.
Qualifications, skills and experience
  • Strong interest in Eastern and Central Africa
  • High degree of facility in written and spoken English
  • Track record of rapid skills acquisition and adaptability
  • Working proficiency in Microsoft Office.
Reporting and management lines
The Intern will report to the RVI Programme Administrator in Nairobi. S/he will undertake the responsibilities described above with additional support from other RVI staff.

The position is only open to candidates who have legal residency in Kenya or right to work in Kenya. Application forms can be found on the RVI website. All submissions require a CV and a cover letter including two references. The deadline for applications is 14 April 2015. Interviews will be held midApril. For further information see or write to


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