Child Protection Advisor

Terre des Hommes Netherlands (Earth for Mankind) is a Dutch organization based in The Hague. Founded in 1965, as a non-profit organization, Terre des Hommes Netherlands aims to improve the quality of life of children in difficult circumstances all over the world, regardless of race, faith and/or political orientation and to have their rights as laid down in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, protected and assured. The objective of TdH is to increase access to and use of quality education, health and other social and economic services for children in need within their own community, prevent violations of their rights and respond to emergency situations. The Child and development alliance focuses on three thematic areas related to MDG 1, MDG 2 and MDG 4, 5, 6: education, health care and livelihood opportunities for vulnerable children and their families.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands is the Lead applicant for the MFS II Child and Development Alliance in the Netherlands. Co-applicants are Liliane Fonds and Kinderpostzegels Nederland who are active and implementing activities in the East Africa Region. The total amount funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is EUR 32,843,606 for a total period of 5 years from 01 April 2011 to 31 December 2015. The MFSII programme for TdH is implemented in four countries in the East Africa Region (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and since 2012 also includes Ethiopia). The country plans are developed based on the MFSII Country Analysis and annually, reviewed, consolidated and submitted for approval to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Alliance’s main focus is on the capacity enhancement of civil society in the South in line with the main objective of MFS-II. Thus the C&D direct poverty alleviation strategy and the policy influencing strategy will complement the strategy of civil society strengthening in order to provide a holistic solution for multi facetted problems identified.
Purpose of the position
Under the general direction and guidance of the Regional Programme Manager expand the TdHNL portfolio of child protection programming and ensure all child protection programming is of excellent technical quality. Ensure that all child protection programmes contribute significantly to Terre des Hommes Netherlands strategic objectives, national/global learning and advocacy. The post holder is expected to provide technical advice and support to programme staff and our partners to ensure programming objectives are successfully achieved.
Contract Period
One year (with possibility of extension).
Essential Functions and Responsibilities
Strategic Planning and Programme Development
  • To be fully aware of and actively participate in the development and review of any Country Strategic and/ or Thematic Plans. Where necessary lead the development and oversight of any Child protection strategic/ thematic plans.
  • Build on technical knowledge, personal understanding of the operation of child protection policy and services in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda current/previous programming to develop proposals for new programming in close coordination with the programme staff. Ensure all new programming supports the achievement of Terre des Hommes Netherlands strategic and thematic objectives, in particular related to Stop Child Exploitation.
  • Analyzing donor priorities and positions on issues related to child protection; identifying institutional funding opportunities and developing and maintaining contacts with potential donors, partners and key technical agencies
Policy Development
  • Be fully aware of national policies, strategies and other initiatives and developments by government and other stakeholders relating to child protection and particularly alternative care and child protection systems strengthening. Regularly assess and communicate the implications for Terre des homes Netherlands programme and priorities of any changes in the operating environment relevant to this theme in close collaboration with the other relevant staff.
  • Develop policy briefs and position papers as and when required related to the child protection programme. This may require technical input from other staff and partners.
Programme Quality
  • To be responsible for the overall technical aspects of Terre des Hommes Netherlands child protection programme work in East Africa, including drawing links between child protection and other sectors.
  • Liaise with the Country Managers, ensure all staff and partners receive the necessary and appropriate technical support. In consultation with staff and Country Managers agree on the range of advice, support, training and/or other assistance required from you to facilitate high quality programming. This will involve regular visits to Terre des homes Netherlands operational areas.
  • Assist in the development of tools for project staff and partners to improve the quality of child protection work. Where necessary provide technical training for project staff and partners as required (curriculum development, supportive supervision and mentoring partners, development of monitoring and evaluation tools; etc).
  • Where external consultants (local or international) are required to technically support or monitor and evaluate projects, lead the recruitment and subsequent management of contracted consultants as per the recruitment guidelines.
  • Ensure the support to the development of an M&E framework that helps each project improve quality of reporting, clearly articulate progress and impact of projects, identify issues for advocacy and new programmes/projects in the future.
  • Review relevant monitoring reports to donors to ensure that technical debates are well articulated and reports are of acceptable quality before submission. Provide support where necessary to improve report-writing skills.
  • Ensure that lessons learned are properly documented, effectively disseminated and, where appropriate, incorporated into wider policy and advocacy initiatives.
  • Monitor and move forward the development of a Child Protection Advocacy Plan for Terre des Hommes Netherlands at country, regional and global level. Coordinate advocacy efforts and report results under each specific objective.
  • Represent and advocate for Terre des Hommes Netherlands with UN agencies, donors, Government, NGOs and others at the highest levels in both verbal and written communications to ensure Terre des Hommes Netherlands is seen as the lead international agency in East Africa in terms of innovation and quality of implementation of child protection. Specifically ensure the following:
• Participation in national and regional Protection Cluster meetings
• Participation in or advice to the Child Protection Working Groups
• Ensure presence at relevant Government, UN and other coordination meetings at national and regional levels
• Participation in relevant national and international task groups of the Child Protection Initiative of Terre des Hommes Netherlands including the Destination Unknown initiative.
• Advise Country teams to ensure adequate field visibility through technical attendance and technical meetings at national and district level
  • Actively participate in key relevant internal meetings such as Programme Review Meetings, Management Team or Country meetings as required. Participate in any donor visit to project(s) within your portfolio as required.
Reporting Lines:
The Regional Child Protection Advisor will formally report to the TdHNL Regional Programme Manager in the TdHNL Nairobi office. In country, the Child Protection Advisor will closely liaise with the Country Manager.
Qualifications and Experiences:
  • A child protection professional with a Masters Degree in child protection or equivalent
  • Significant professional experience of working at field-based and senior management and /or advisory level in child protection at an international-level; (3 – 4 years).
  • Proven national or preferably international-level representation, analysis and advocacy skills
  • Strong commitment to capacity building of national staff, partners and communities with experience of using participatory and consultative approaches.
  • Experience in (emergency) child protection work covering areas of child trafficking, child labour, separated children, GBV and children associated with armed forces and groups
  • Strong report writing skills, including experience in designing child protection programmes and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
  • Good interpersonal skills, tact and diplomacy, with the ability to communicate and negotiate clearly and effectively at all levels, taking into account cultural and language difficulties.
Good contextual knowledge related to civil society/community assessment (i.e. Local community priorities, social and cultural constraints and local political and economic environment).
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to send their motivational letter, resume, copies of certificates and three references by e-mail addressed to: The Regional Director; Terre des Hommes Netherlands to: E-mail on or before 30 October 2013


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