Education Management Information System (EMIS)


Education Management Information System (EMIS)
Category and Grade Level:
 P3 Equivalent
Type of Contract:
 Special Service Agreement
Length Of Contract:
 4 months
Organization Unit:
Duty Station:
 Somaliland, Puntland, Central South Zone and Nairobi
Date of Issue:
 01 October 2013
Closing date of
 14 October 2013

1.      Background
UNICEF Somalia provided technical assistance for the establishment and set- up of the Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) Units in the Ministries of Education (MoEs) of Somaliland and Puntland and in the Directorate of Education of the Ministry of Human Development and Public Services in Mogadishu. Alongside the establishment of the Units, , EMIS Technical Working Groups were constituted under each ministry with a Coordinator appointed by each ministry to be in charge of data collection from the schools, data entry into the Software and Analysis of the same.   In October 2011, the Education Ministries in Puntland and Somaliland conducted the very first ministry-led 2011/2012 Primary School Census with technical and financial support from UNICEF and the European Union. EMIS software was donated by Australian aid program AusAID. Under the The ministry staff took the lead in collecting data from formal primary schools and Primary Alternative Education centers. The EMIS Unit in Mogadishu became fully operational at the end of December 2012. As for School Census 2012/2013, secondary school data in addition to primary level were also collected in Puntland and South Central Somalia (Benadir region).  In this respect, although with progressive improvements in the management of EMIS in all three regions, the ministries still require further technical support in the analysis and interpretation of the additional data gathered
A qualified and competent consultant is requested to undertake a thorough analysis and interpretation of the data collected as well as technical guidance to the EMIS teams in all the three regions of (Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia)

2.      Objectives of the consultancy
In coordination with of UNICEF staff, zonal technical personnel, and respective MOEEMIS Technical Working Groups,  the consultant is required to guide the finalization of data entry process and data analysis process in all the three zonal regions (Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia). The consultant is expected to guide the process of drafting and finalizing the School Census Statistical Year Book 2012/2013.

3.      Specific Duties and Responsibilities

·         Verify that the installed Software is fully functional and running in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia;
·         Monitor data entry in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia with extensive visits to the respective ministries;
·         Check and, if possible, correct, ambiguous/duplicated/empty records and identify data gaps and limitations of the data;
·         Interpret and analyze the entered data;
·         Draft three separate reports for  the School Census Statistical Year Book 2012/2013using data collected from School Assessment database
·         Provide At least 3 training/capacity building workshops for MoE EMIS staff in EMIS function, management and operation (one in each zone)

4.      Scope of Work
The bulk of the work will be done in the capital cities of the three zonal regions (Hargeisa, Garowe, and Mogadishu). In this regard the consultancy will involve extensive visits to the said locations during the assignment provided that security allows and approval of the United Nations Department of Safety & Security.
5.      Timing
The assignment is expected to commence on 1 November, 2013and end on February 2014. In view of this the consultant is expected to submit monthly status updates and a final draft of the Statistical Year Book by end of February 2014.
6.      Deliverables
·         Monthly status memo;
·         Draft EMIS Statistical Year Book 2012/2013 (one per region);
·         Final EMIS Statistical Year Book 2012/2013 (one per region);
·         At least 3 training/capacity building workshops for MoE EMIS staff in EMIS function, management and operation (one in each zone) 

7.      Terms of Payment

Payment is linked to deliverables; UNICEF reserves the right to withhold payment for any part of the assignment if the quality of the deliverables does not meet professional standards. The outputs and reports produced under this assignment remain the property of UNICEF and Ministries of Education in the three zones, which retails the right to use it in whatever way or form it deems appropriate. The consultant working on this task does not have the right to use this data for publication of presentational purposes without prior approval of the task managers.

8.      Qualifications and Experience
  • Advanced university degree in education, education data & statistics analysis, social science,
  • At least 6 years of extensive experience and demonstrated ability in designing and establishing EMIS,
  • Excellent understanding of the current status and trends in terms of international education indicators, standards and targets in the context of MDGs, EFA, etc.,
  • Competent in EMIS related database programs and other software with broad understanding of information systems and technology,
  • Extensive knowledge and skills of computer programs applications, particularly in the area of database management systems
  • Demonstrates, applies and shares technical knowledge to government partners,
  • Fluency in English
  • Good analytical and writing skills;
  • Communicates effectively, both orally and in writing, to varied audiences,
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications with updated UN Personal History Form (P.11) form, updated CV attaching copies of academic certificates to the email below. UN staff are requested to provide the last two Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs). Applications submitted without a duly completed and signed Personal History Form (P11) will not be considered. Please indicate your expected fee for providing the services of the said assignment. Applicants must quote the vacancy number and post title in the subject line of the application.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.

More vacancy announcements are posted on UNICEF Somalia website


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