Nursing Officer

FH/Kenya (Food for the hungry, Kenya) and Christian Community services Mt. Kenya (CCSMKE) are both Christian organizations partnering to offer Care and treatment to PLWHIV in Marsabit and Isiolo districts. Both organizations have established a comprehensive care centers in Marsabit –Tumaini Medical Centre and in Isiolo- Tumaini Isiolo Clinic that are giving care and treatment to PLWHIV while offering affordable medical services to general population in Marsabit and Isiolo.

Through this partnership CCSMKE seeks to fill in the following vacant position

POSITION:                     NURSING OFFICER (Based in Tumaini Medical Clinic- Marsabit)


·         Assess patients and clients and establish health care needs daily and as necessary.
·         Plan health care interventions daily and as necessary, and implement.
·         Diagnose simple common health conditions, prescribe, and administer treatment.
·         Provide appropriate healthcare service; e.g. immunization, PMTCT, ante-natal care, administration of treatment, dispensing drugs, etc.
·         Provide health education and counseling to patients and clients on identified health problems and socio-economic issues related to their health.
·         Refer patients and clients appropriately.
·         Evaluate healthcare outcomes to patients/clients and write individualized report.
·         Maintain records on patients/clients personal and health condition/care data.
·         Keep clinical environment tidy and safe.
·         Ensure efficiency and safety of assigned nursing commodities.


§  Hold a Diploma or a Degree in Registered Nursing/ midwife from a recognized nursing training institution and in possession of a registration certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Kenya
§  Is in good professional standing with the Nursing Council of Kenya
§  At least two years’ experience working in and HIV and AIDS comprehensive Care Centre (CCC).
§  Additional training as VCT/HTC counselor, Nutrition and Computer literacy will be added advantage.
§  Ability to speak any of the local languages within Marsabit County is a must.

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications, updated CV with three referees (clearly indicating their current or expected salary), day telephone contacts to:  Human Resources Manager, FH Kenya, P.O BOX 14978 – 00800 Nairobi or email address hr_fhkenya@fh.orgClosing date is 16th November, 2012. Short listing will be done as CVs are received.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted. 


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