External Evaluation - Pan African Programme
Background & Context of Evaluation
The Oxfam pan Africa framework promotes active citizenship, effective national governance and the realisation and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and human rights contained in key AU policy standards and legal instruments. We work with social movements, CSOs and their coalitions and alliances, the African Union (AU), Regional economic blocks (RECs) and Governments to influence, popularise and implement key international and continental policy standards, pledges and human rights instruments. Our Strategic Framework 2010-2013 works towards the national implementation of these policy intentions and the protection of the rights and freedoms that they exemplify. Consistent with our Oxfam southern campaigning principles, we also recognise that the primary agency for change in Africa lies in Africa and with African organisations. To this end, we will support a strong and autonomous pan Africa campaigning force of pan African coalitions, alliances and social movements to articulate their change objectives and work closely with their own members and partners at various levels.
The Oxfam pan Africa framework promotes active citizenship, effective national governance and the realisation and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and human rights contained in key AU policy standards and legal instruments. We work with social movements, CSOs and their coalitions and alliances, the African Union (AU), Regional economic blocks (RECs) and Governments to influence, popularise and implement key international and continental policy standards, pledges and human rights instruments. Our Strategic Framework 2010-2013 works towards the national implementation of these policy intentions and the protection of the rights and freedoms that they exemplify. Consistent with our Oxfam southern campaigning principles, we also recognise that the primary agency for change in Africa lies in Africa and with African organisations. To this end, we will support a strong and autonomous pan Africa campaigning force of pan African coalitions, alliances and social movements to articulate their change objectives and work closely with their own members and partners at various levels.
Poverty and suffering in Africa is the consequence of What change is Oxfam Pan Africa aim to bring about?unequal power relations between Africa and the global political-economy as well as the denial by African States of citizen's economic, social and human rights and fundamental freedoms. Four centuries of trans-continental slavery, a century of colonialism and two decades of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) have produced common challenges for Africa. The failure of global policy institutions to stop the over-exploitation of African resources, commodity price-fixing of Africa's resources by industrialised countries, capital flight and the global under-representation of Africa in institutions such as the United Nations and the International Finance Institutions have undermined Africa's capacity to achieve economic independence and a greater share of the world market. Oxfam believes that assertive representation of both African state and non-state actors in these global spaces is critical. Oxfam believes that a strong and dynamic civil society is a precondition for pro-poor change in Africa. Inequality, exclusion and marginalisation are the consequence of the failure of the African state to regulate the distribution of sub-soil assets and other natural resources, financial capital and markets in a fair and responsible manner. Consequently, the majority of African men, women and children remain marginalised by their lack of voice, visibility and informed participation in setting the public policy agenda and holding political elites accountable.
How to apply:
Interested applicants should submit their CVs and Technical Proposal by 24:00hrs GMT on Sunday 9th September. Submissions can be sent to vacancy@oxfamnovib.or.ke indicating reference code “PAFEVAL”. A follow up discussion on the technical proposal, including interpretation of the terms of reference, data collection methods and tools, together with a detailed chronogram will be organised with the selected consultant(s) mid-September. For questions related to the consultancy please contact Monique van Es, co-manager Pan Africa Framework, onMonique.van.Es@oxfamnovib.nl
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