
About the organization
The World Agroforestry Centre is an independent research institution which generates sciencebased knowledge about the complex role trees play in agricultural landscapes and rural livelihoods.

As part of the Centre’s work to bring tree-based solutions to bear on poverty and environmental  problems, researchers  – working in close collaboration with partners  – are developing new  technologies, tools and policy recommendations for increased food security and ecosystem health.

The Centre’s headquarters are located in Nairobi, Kenya, and research is conducted in 23 countries
in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We are supported by the Consultative Group on International  Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and receive funding from over 50 different donors.

Terms of Reference:
International Consultant Social Scientist for analysis of ICRAF’s Capacity Building Needs for Group Learning Activities in various scientific domains and regional offices for specifying need for  capacity development tools and methodologies.   ICRAF carries out a number of group learning  activities (training events) through its research projects in a need based fashion through the  scientists involved, with methodologies and tools chosen by scientists responsible for such events.

However, how scientists design such events, what tools they use to implement capacity  development, and how effective such events are, remains unknown. One of the key functions of  Capacity Development Unit (CDU) is to provide methodological support for group learning  activities to ICRAF’s researchers to make the learning amongst learners effective and learn lessons  for the future. To determine the requirements of tools and guidelines for scientists implementing  group learning, CDU needs to first understand what kind of group learning activities take place,  how these are planned, conducted and where the gaps and lacunae in terms of methodology and  understanding are. The findings of this study will assist CDU to develop an appropriate toolkit and  guidelines feeding its Quality Management System (QMS) which is intended to be achieved within 2013 for group learning. The study of an appropriate number of recent past group learning
activities would assist in identifying critical areas and appropriate tools for support, which should  be included in the toolkit and QMS workflows The purpose of this assignment is twofold:

1. To provide inputs to the group learning toolkit; guidelines and QMS; and
2. To gather data and material for a peer reviewed research article on leveraging effective team
learning amongst research partners.

Assignment and Deliverables:
1. In discussion with Head of CDU, Science Domain Leaders and Regional Coordinators,
2. identify suitable group learning2
3. activities (from 2012) for study;
4. Design a sampling criteria and select a minimum sample of 30 cases balancing regional and thematic representation;
5. Design appropriate interview tools for conducting interviews with those researchers who led/ implemented those group
6. learning events;
7. Conduct interviews with selected scientists (in person or through skype calls for scientists located in regional offices);
8. Collect necessary data available (training notes, programs, participant lists, training reports,  etc etc)
9. Prepare reflected notes of the interviews and provided materials and enter these in SPSS and  Atlas-ti software for analysis;
10. Develop a framework for analysis
11. Code, process, and analyze data;
12. Write a report informing CDU what kind of tools and guidance are required/ demanded and what kind of tools would be more appropriate to include in the said toolkit, and what kinds  of QMS guidelines would be appropriate
13. Participate as a co-author in a peer reviewed research article together with the Head of CDU

Consultant Profile
The person should have:
Ph.D. in Sociology/ Social Sciences/ Development studies preferably from Advance Countries; proven experience in applying q-squared analytical Methods,  experience in conducting interview  based research (with an eye for biases); proven experience of scientific reporting (dissertation, peer reviewed articles). Expertise in use of SPSS and qualitative software like Atlas.

Maximum 250 USD/day
Return Air Ticket
A Perdiem of USD 120 for covering housing, meals and incidentals for the days in Nairobi

Duration of Assignment:
45 working Days between 21 March and 30 June 2013, 21 days based in ICRAF office at Nairobi and  the balance at home.

How to apply
 A cover letter illustrating your suitability for the position
 A detailed and up-to-date curriculum vitae or company profile.
 The names and addresses of three referees, including telephone numbers and email addresses,  and fax details, if available.3

Address these to: 
The Human Resources Unit, World Agroforestry Centre  via  email to:
Applications will be considered until 10th March 2013. Please note that only short-listed applicants
meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

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