Various NRM, Land, and LED Positions

Organization Description
Engility Corporation was formed in 2012 and is headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia. Our name is derived from “engineering” and “agility” and we employ great people who anticipate our customers’ needs and move quickly to serve them.  Engility has some 9,000 employees in locations throughout the United States and worldwide.  Our professionals provide a broad range of technical, analytical, operational, training, security services and products to government and commercial customers.  At Engility, we conduct ourselves with the highest standards of integrity, accountability and respect, honoring our commitment to excellence in everything we do.
 Our core competencies include Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) support, professional services, education and training, operational support, logistics, and international capacity development.    
For more than 30 years, IRG has helped foreign governments, the private sector, communities, and households manage critical resources to build a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous world. We have completed more than 850 contracts in over 140 countries, delivering high-quality, cost-effective services that promote positive economic growth, institutional and social change, and intelligent use of resources – human, physical, environmental, and financial.
Job Description
International Resources Group (IRG), a wholly owned subsidiary of Engility, seeks candidates for an anticipated project in Kenya. The goal of the project is to protect the biodiversity and water resources of environmentally sensitive Kenyan forests while striving to make these areas economically viable. We are looking for expressions of interest from qualified candidates for positions in the following focus areas:
• Land and resource-based conflict and post-conflict mitigation
• Natural Resources Management (NRM) and biodiversity conservation policy and implementation
• Land tenure and property rights
• Land and natural resources equitable access facilitation
• Low-Emissions Development (LED) strategies and tools
• Payment for Ecological Services (PES), Enterprise-Based Conservation, and Environmental 
  Easements Schemes
• Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation
• NRM and Global Climate Change legal, regulatory, and policy reform
• The application of technology to any of the above issues

• Experience working on natural resources, land and property rights, and environmental   
    management programs
• Experience working on donor-funded development programs (USAID experience preferred)
• Relevant and recent experience in Kenya and/or region (East and Horn of Africa)
• Experience in conflict/post-conflict environments
• Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred (in relevant field)
• Team player, willing to work closely with and under the direction of USAID
• Strong interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
• Fluency in English required; knowledge of local languages highly desirable

How to apply: Please send a current resume and a cover letter highlighting relevant experience and indicating availability to no later than March 1, 2013. Put “Kenya-Various NRM, Land, and LED Positions” in the subject line.


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