Protection Officer (Older people)

JOB TITLE:                    Protection Officer (Older people) – Maban, South Sudan – Seconded into Danish refugee Council-Danish Demining Group (DRC-DDG) South Sudan programme.

GRADE & SALARY:       IS3 - £24,000 gross per annum

LOCATION:                             Within DRC-DDG team, Maban, South Sudan

RESPONSIBLE TO:        Protection Manager DRC-DDG, Maban team, with regular updates to Training and Advocacy Manager, HelpAge International, Juba.


TERMS & CONDITIONS: Five month contract with possible extension, unaccompanied status post, basic accommodation and living support, international insurance, rest and recuperation leave (R & R), hardship allowance.

HelpAge International is a global network of not-for-profit organisations with a vision of a world where older people fulfill their potential to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives. With over 70 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries the HAI network brings together hundreds of organisations worldwide. HelpAge has a secretariat with offices in London and Brussels, six regional centres including the East, West and Central Africa Regional Development Centre – EWCARDC - to which the South Sudan programme reports. HelpAge has an affiliate organization – the South Sudanese Older People’s Association (SSOPO) who will collaborate in this project.
The Danish Refugee Council – Danish Demining Group (DRC-DDG) has been working with the Southern Sudanese refugees residing in Uganda since 1999. Upon the 2005 peace agreement, DRC-DDG began working in Southern Sudan with the overall objective of providing physical and organisational support to facilitate the return of, and durable solutions for, refugees and IDPs. Initially operating only in Central Equatoria State DRC-DDG’s operations have expanded to other areas to serve more than 1.5 million people across the country including Juba and Aweil, northern Bahr el Ghazal State. In 2012 DRC-DDG started operating in Maban County, Upper Nile to provide emergency assistance to refugees crossing into South Sudan from Blue Nile State (Sudan) as a result of the ongoing border conflict.
South Sudan is the newest country on earth. Decades of war have left it with a legacy of chronic poverty, inequality and continuing insecurity. With a population of around 8 million, the new country is facing significant challenges in securing a stable, peaceful and prosperous future[i][1]. Fierce fighting since South Sudan seceded from Sudan in July 2011 erupted over the demarcation of borders, the sharing of the oil revenues, citizenship rights and security arrangements—issues left unresolved at the time of secession. This fighting has resulted in a serious humanitarian crisis related to an influx of refugees from the South Kordofan and Blue Nile States in the Sudan into refugee camps in the north of the country. Currently, there are an estimated 105,000 refugees from the Sudan housed in Ysuf Batil, Jammam, Doro and Gendressa Camps in Upper Nile and a further 66,000 in Unity State[2]. UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations are struggling to meet their basic needs repeatedly appealing for more funds from the international community with the current appeal only 52% funded[3].

Of the refugee population an estimated 4% are over the age of 60. Yet among the more vulnerable older people represent up to 40%. There is no other agency working specifically to identify and address the needs of older people in this current emergency although issues affecting older people are recognized in vulnerability criteria by a number of agencies, most notably UNHCR and DRC-DDG. This is a chronic emergency that has seen a critical increase in humanitarian need over recent months which outstrips the capacities of the existing agencies on the ground, as illustrated in recent news articles and calls from the UN and NGO community in South Sudan. A need has also been expressed for specific attention to older people affected by the crisis and older people are recognized as particularly vulnerable[4].

HelpAge East, West and Central Africa Regional Development Centre has been approached by the DRC-DDG to strengthen and support their operations in Ysuf Batil Camp, Upper Nile State, which the DRC are in charge of running. DRC-DDG also has an overall responsibility for protection monitoring across five camps in Maban County.


Provide technical support on older people’s protection needs within DRC-DDG and other UNHCR partner operations in refugee camps in Mabaan County, South Sudan influencing their practice through vulnerability and protection analysis of older refugees, guidance and training.


·       Undertake, analyse and help to disseminate a baseline vulnerability assessment of older refugees and their families in Ysuf Batil camp.
·       Provide guidance and training to DRC and other UNHCR partner staff working in Ysuf Batil and other Mabaan refugee camps on the protection needs and risks for older people and age friendly humanitarian responses
·       To design, with camp management teams, age friendly camp environments and an effective response to older people’s needs and capacities, through guidance and accompaniment and the sharing of good practice for the protection of older people.
·       Support collection of protection data on older people across the five camps.
·       Work with local HelpAge Affiliate the South Sudanese Older People’s Organisation (SSOPO) to establish older people’s committees in Ysuf Batil camp to support the age friendly humanitarian response.
·       Ensure that lessons learned are documented and assimilated within the DRC-DDG programme and shared with WWE and EWCARDC staff, the wider HelpAge International Network and other humanitarian actors.
·       Assist the HelpAge EWCARDC and DRC-DDG programme in the development of project proposals for continuation and replication of the work, contribution to donor and organisational reports.
·       Represent HelpAge International, and working with DRC-DDG, establish links with a broad range of actors working in refugee camps in Maban County.
·       In coordination with the DRC-DDG team, attend cluster meetings and establish relationships with key agencies involved in protection, including child protection agencies in order to promote intergenerational activities.
·       Support training and advocacy with other humanitarian actors located in South Sudan to ensure that the specific protection needs and capacities of older people are understood and addressed in their programmes including participation in needs assessments, beneficiary registrations, distributions and access to basic services.


  • The post holder will provide technical advice and support to the DRC-DDG protection manager based in Maban.
  • The post holder is expected to operate within all DRC and HelpAge International policies and procedures. Where these differ the Protection officer is expected to consult with line managers and agree appropriate action.
  • The post-holder will report directly to the Protection Manager of the DRC-DDG Maban team on day to day work programming and deliverables within the scope of these terms of reference. In addition the post holder will be expected to collaborate closely with the HelpAge Training and Advocacy manager in Juba, providing monthly narrative and financial reports of progress, whilst contributing to HelpAge EWCA and WWE teams programmes, keeping these teams informed of key developments, challenges and achievements.


  • Masters degree qualification in a relevant subject (e.g. humanitarian response, disaster management, protection, international laws etc)
  • At least 5 years experience developing and managing protection programmes at field level in humanitarian crises, including chronic complex emergencies.
  • Sound knowledge of humanitarian principles and the international legal framework for protection
  • Thorough understanding of the issues of social marginalisation of vulnerable people in crises, primarily natural and man-made disasters
  • Awareness and experience in the specific issues of protection of older people in crises and emergencies
  • Excellent representation and networking skills
  • Excellent demonstrable skills in training, technical assistance, negotiation and diplomacy.
  • Excellent communication skills - written and verbal English – and cultural sensitivity
  • Proven experience of working with international NGOs, UN agencies and the humanitarian sector
  • Ability to work well within a team and contribute to capacity building at all levels
  • Knowledge and experience of working in Africa
  • Experience of work in insecure or highly sensitive political environments
  • Strong skills in programme development, management, evidence gathering and evaluation
  • Valid International Driving Licence

·         Working knowledge of South Sudan
·         Experience of working with local partner organisations
  • Experience or working knowledge of broader ageing and development issues
  • Other relevant local languages

To apply please send a cover letter and CV to  by 28th February, 2013

[1] Summary of DFID’s work in South Sudan 2011-2015, July 2011
[2] OCHA Humanitarian Bulleting South Sudan, 10-14th September 2012
[3] Mid-Year Review of the Consolidated Appeal for South Sudan 2012, OCHA, July 2012
[4] Various articles IRIN News, The Guardian global development section, August – September 2012.


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