Call for Proposals: Program for Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders 2014

Severe hunger and poverty affects nearly 1 billion people around the world and 2 billion people in the developing world are malnourished. Three-quarters of the world’s poorest people get their food and income from farming small plots of land. They deal with diverse and challenging farming systems, facing diseases, pests, and drought, as well as unproductive soil, with limited access to inputs. Their livestock are frequently weak or sick, resulting in reduced production of eggs and milk to eat or sell. Many of these farmers are women, who are key to breaking the vicious cycle of malnutrition in their families. Their success or failure determines whether they have enough to eat, are able to send their children to school, and can earn any money to save and lead healthy and productive lives. Helping farm families grow more, earn more income, and eat better food are powerful tools for fighting hunger and poverty.

The Call
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation seeks proposals for agricultural research with the potential to increase the sustainable productivity of smallholder farmers in developing countries. Sustainable productivity includes tackling the underlying social and economic determinants of productivity, such as gender equity, environmental issues, and healthy, diverse diets. With this call, we are looking for projects led by MSc and PhD scientists at national agricultural research institutions and universities in sub-Saharan Africa, working in collaboration with other researchers internationally (either within Africa or beyond the continent). The 2014 PEARL call is restricted to proposals relevant to staple crops grown in Africa.
How to Apply
In order to apply, applicants must:
- Be an African scientist residing in sub-Saharan Africa or planning to relocate to sub-Saharan Africa to implement the proposed project, e.g. returning from diaspora;
- Identify a local host institution (a national agricultural research institute or university) (International centers based in Africa or institutes overseas are not eligible to lead proposals in this call, but may partner as sub-grant hosts.)
- Have at minimum an MSc degree;
- Be able to devote at least 70% of their time to lead the proposed project.
Pre-proposal deadline: September 7th, 2014
Full proposals invited: November 2014
For more information and Pre-Proposal Guidelines, visit here


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