Monitoring, Evaluation, Communication and Reporting Officer

POSITION                           :   Monitoring, Evaluation, Communication and Reporting Officer (MECR)
SECTION                             :   Monitoring & Evaluation
SUPERVISED BY              :   CEO
SUPERVISES                     :   Administrative Assistant                         
LOCATION                          :   Nairobi, with frequent travel within Kenya


1.0                Job Summary

Reporting to the CEO, Officer will be based in Nairobi and will mainly be responsible for carrying out Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting functions of all USTADI programs and projects, including mentorship of regional partners.
2.0   Resource Responsibilities
Budgetary Control:
Other resources:

3.0   Reporting Line

The MECR Officer will report to the CEO

4.0  Work Relationships
In addition to working under the direct supervision of CEO, the MECR Officer will work collaboratively with other functional sections (Business Development Services, Finance and Administration, and media and marketing consultants) as well as have operational contact and interaction with USTADI partners.

4.1       Key Internal Relationships:

·            CEO
·            Business Development Services
·            Finance and Grants

4.2      Key External Relationships:

·         Partners

5.0   Key Responsibilities
The main responsibilities revolve around communication, managing information through project cycle, ensuring that project design takes into account systematic data collection, analysis, storage and utilization, supporting partners track results at output, outcome and impact level, ensuring data quality in all programs within the officers domain, compilation of partner reports into a format that is consumable and integrating monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning as an organizations practice.

5.1    MECR Duties
·         Implement communication strategy to enhance public perception of USTADI in support of branding goals.
·         Design and establish data collection, analysis and storage systems.
·         Responsible for all aspects of USTADI internal and external communication including publications, web-content, videos and documentary material development, newsletters, periodic reports, organizational announcements and relations with print and electronic media.
·         Partnership with all internal departments/sections to ensure that all marketing materials support organization’s strategic direction
·         Develop measurement tools to assure goals regarding perception strategies are met.
·         Contribute to the design and continuous review of the program’s Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP)
·         Oversee design of the program’s database(s) to monitor and pro-actively track all performance indicators established in the PMP
·         Manage and conduct overall data collection process of all project indicators in liaison with other section officers
·         Design and deliver MER trainings to partners
·         Develop and disseminate basic MER training materials for program use, among staff and partners
·         Preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual program reports
·         Participate in organizing and conducting external evaluation exercises
·         Participate in setting program performance targets in line with overall strategic goals of the program
·         Take the lead role in tracking grantees progress in achieving outcomes and impacts
·         Participate in quarterly and other scheduled program performance review meetings
·         Share information and lessons learnt with other program staff

5.2   MECR Team support
·         Collate and develop detailed quarterly and monthly project work plans for the program and track implementation of the same, on a monthly basis.
·         Support the organization to coordinate program teams and ensure compliance with all communication, monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements of all programs to partners.
·         Review all quarterly reports submitted by the program partners for compliance and data adequacy
·         Develop a summary and analysis of overall MECR data each quarter
·         Prepare a summary of the partners’ needs and issues for follow up derived from quarterly reports  and track responses
·         Provide direction in documentation of “success stories” and other anecdotal information to enhance the overall quality of communication and performance reports to the donors

5.3   Partners support
Overall, provide accompaniment, mentoring and training to program partner’s M&E officers as appropriate and on demand. Specific support would include:-
·         Support the development of communication, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MECR) processes, tools and plans for partners and grant recipients
·         Provide support to local partners and grant recipients in the implementation of the their communication, monitoring, evaluation and reporting plans through the life of the project on a need basis
·         Ensure compliance in data management and quality
·         Assist partners in design and implementation of mid-term and end term evaluations, in particular TORs, consultants’ selection and quality control of process and final reports

6.0  Performance Standards
·         Participate in planning for communication, monitoring evaluation and reporting technical trainings
·         Provide strategic recommendations on how to enhance communication and perception by public and partners
·         Carry out all baseline data collection for the partners within one month of signing grant agreements
·         Manage and conduct overall data collection process of all program indicators on an ongoing basis
·         Submission of monthly program reports by the 10th of the subsequent month
·         Submission of 3 quarterly program reports within 30 days of the end of a quarter
·         Preparation and review of all MER information presented during joint reviews
·         Review program performance targets in line with overall strategic goal of each of the program/project
·         Share information and lessons learnt with other program staff on a quarterly basis
·         Quarterly work plans for the program developed and submitted by the first week of each quarter
·         Quarterly review of implementation progress
·         All MER reports filed in server
·         At least one success story developed and shared each quarter
·         Conduct monitoring and technical support visits to a minimum of 6 partners each quarter
·         Carry out data quality improvement exercise for the partners

7.0   Qualifications, Experience and Skills
The minimum required academic and professional skills for the jobholder to perform successfully in this position are:
·         Bachelors’ degree in appropriate discipline e.g. strategic management, statistics, social sciences, anthropology, development studies

7.1    Professional Qualifications
A diploma or equivalent in Corporate Communication, Project Management or any other relevant qualification in Communication, monitoring and evaluation

7.2   Experience
At least 4 years’ experience in project management with experience in communication, M&E within a development context

7.3   Essential Skills
·         Thorough knowledge of strategic function of corporate communication to an organization, social-economics, socio-anthropology and/or proven ability in participatory methods and processes
·         Ability to work in a fast paced environment requiring multi-tasking
·         Knowledge of policy influences and institutional practices
·         Knowledge of any or all statistical software applications listed; STATA, IBM-SPSS, Version 10 and above, E-Views for econometric modeling, or any other main-stream application. 
·         Excellent analytical skills

·         Good writing and reporting skills

This position is for 6 (six) months with possibility of extension depending on availability of funds. The starting date is the beginning of September 2014. Find attached the Job Description for your perusal.

Interested candidates should forward their applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae and telephone contacts and email addresses of 3 referees preferably former/current supervisors (certificates will be required later on in the recruitment process) to:
EMAIL:  Cc;  indicate the position on the subject line of 


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