Community Health and Nutrition Promoter (Wajir)

Save the Children International is a leading independent organization for children, fighting to improve the lives of children around the world. Together with children, we are helping to build a better world for present and future generations by making a reality of children’s rights.

SCI is implementing humanitarian and development programmes in thematic areas of Health, Nutrition,
Food Security & Livelihoods, and Child Protection in Northern region of Kenya. The country office is
located in Nairobi with programme offices in Dadaab, Wajir, El Wak (Mandera Central district) Takaba
(Mandera West district), Bungoma and Turkana.

SCI is in the process of recruiting a suitable candidate as a Health and Nutrition Promoter to be based in  Wajir Area Office.

Job Purpose 
The Health and Nutrition Promoter will work closely with the Health and Nutrition Promotion
officer/Coordinator, MOH and Community and will be responsible for equipping community members
with correct and accurate Information, Education and Communication messages on health and nutrition that influence adoption of appropriate behaviour change.

Key Responsibilities 
• Lead Community mobilisation and sensitization for Multiple Micronutrients Powders  supplementation(MNP) of all children 6-23 months with the various community sectors-school going
children, CHWs, Clinic Health Committees, Village health committees, mothers, religious leaders and
the youth.
• At program level supervise the quality of surveillance, support to MoH health and nutrition education
promotion and counselling on Micro-Nutrient Powders (MNP) and other health and nutrition
services by the trained Health workers and community health workers.
• Participate in distribution job aids and IEC materials on MNP and ensure they are strategically placed
in the community for promotion of MNPs.
• To support the CHEW, CHWs and the MTMSG to enhance the community empowerment and
demand for MNPs
• Work closely with the health and nutrition promotion coordinator and Nutrition officers in carrying
out assessments to identify health promotion / behavior change needs in the community
• Support CHEWs and CHWs in developing list of all the children 6-23 months and ensure they get
monthly MNP supplies
• Support Community Health Extension Workers (CHEW) and Community Health Workers (CHW)
in conducting visits in sampled households on monthly basis to obtain information on the utilization of
MNP, receive feedback from the beneficiaries, and conduct counselling where required.
• To support the CHEW, CHWs and the MTMSG to enhance the community empowerment and
demand for MNPs
• Capacity build the CHWs to carry out home visits to beneficiaries to assess and mentor them on
adoption of proper personal hygiene, water handling , nutrition and child care practices
• Liaise with DOH to conduct health and nutrition education and hygiene promotion trainings and
coach health facility staffs, facility management committees, CHWs, community and religious leaders,
and school teachers
• Continuously monitor quality and uptake of health and nutrition promotion messages and report to
the Nutrition and Health promotion Coordinator for action on issues identified.
• Together with key partner ministries and other implementing partners, strengthen school health
promotion programmes
• Assist the CHWs implementing health and nutrition education activities to develop monthly work
• At program level supervise the quality of surveillance, support to MoH health and nutrition education
promotion and counselling on MNP and other health and nutrition services by the trained nutrition
workers and community health workers.
• Liaise and establish strong links with existing community structures including women groups,
community development committees, youth groups and religious leaders.
• Participate in the design/adaptation of appropriate nutrition education and promotion methods and
tools, and pre- testing them with the team and community members.
• Liaise with the health education department at the Ministry of health to adapt and produce
appropriate nutrition education materials
• Participate in reviewing the community training guides and counselling cards
• Oversee and guide staff in providing on-site cooking demonstrations and workshops
• Maintain a data base on the no. of households and individuals sensitized on MNP in the community
• Write plans and reports on health education activities.

Person Specification 
Required skills
• Diploma in public health promotion/ Nutrition./public health /Community health and development/
• A Minimum of two years previous experience on nutrition or health promotion with an international
relief humanitarian agency
• Good communication skills, particularly with children and mothers and general community members.
• Organisation, initiative, tidiness and courtesy
• Good level of spoken and written English, kiswahili and Somali.

If you meet the above requirements, please send a mandatory cover letter and detailed CV
indicating current contacts of three referees including immediate supervisor, copy of your ID card
and relevant certificates and testimonials to

OR Addressed to
The Human Resource and Administration Officer, Save the Children, Kenya Programme,
Wajir.Drop it in the Job Application box at Save the Children Offices.
Candidates from Habaswein and Wajir South shoud drop their applications at Waaso Guest house
while signing off their details.
The recruited candidate should be willing to begin work immediately.
Deadline for Applications: 22nd August 2014 


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