Senior Finance Officer - Unity State

Job opening at AAH-South Sudan
Job Description –Senior Finance Officer - Unity State
Project: Humanitarian & Relief (AAH-I/UNHCR Project)
Job Title: Senior Finance Officer
Country: South Sudan
Duty Station: Jam Jang, Unity State
Responsible to: Area Coordinator 
Staff reporting to this Post: Cashier, Accountant, Admin. Officer 
Liaises with: Senior Finance manager, Construction Officer, Operations Manager 

Job Summary:
To ensure all financial and admin processes are functioning effectively and efficiently. S/he will  plan, execute and evaluate all activities of financial management of the logistics’ project financial  and accounting processes in the field location and be responsible for creating, reviewing,  updating and enforcing compliance of the project’s financial policies and procedures.

 Maintaining a satisfactory system of financial record-keeping and providing the Area  Coordinator with timely and accurate financial management information to enable her to  monitor and manage the project effectively.
 In accordance with standard guidelines, maintaining a system of sound Internal Controls in order to safeguard assets and mitigate against the risk of financial loss.
 Ensuring compliance of policies with local laws and application of AAH-I rules & regulations 
to project’s administrative processes. 

Off Munuki Road, Next to South Sudan Civil Service 
Commission (Near Dr. John Garang International School)
Phone: +211 977 361 771
Web site : www@actionafricahelp.org2

 Ensure that voucher preparation is of quality and approval process followed, prior to submission for booking and filling. 
 Assist the Area Coordinator to prepare budgets based on planned project activities using the  approved finance guidelines or given donor regulations; prepare any budget  realignments/adjustments in collaboration with the budget holders (Operations Manager; Construction Officer,...)
 Supervise the voucher inflow from Unity State; ensure a timely submission of all vouchers to  the Project Coordination Office in Juba, for posting in to Sage Pastel Evolution accounting  software. 
 Report and monitor project costs vs budget, in line with the approved working budgets  through the established mechanism of Cost Control and ensure that monthly reports are  submitted to the Area Coordinator, as well as to the Senior Finance Manager in the Project  Coordination Office/Juba. 
 Prepare and accompany all project audits (Internal and external) conducted by AAH-I,  UNHCR and other designated external auditing companies and follow up on the  implementation of audit recommendations.
 Provide training on job, in line with the required capacity building.
 Fulfill any ad-hoc Administrative & finance duties as required and perform other duties as  assigned by the Area Coordinator.

Expected Outcomes
 Financial expenditure is in compliance with Donor contract requirements.
 Cash flow forecasts, statements and bank reconciliations available on a monthly basis.
 Assets are properly tagged, and an up to date asset register and inventory available at all times.
 Audit recommendations are followed through to closure.
 Timely planning of Donor audits are done in less than 30 days after the end of the audit period.
 Staff have clear objectives, supported to perform and their performance reviewed on time
 Timely preparation and implementation of payments.
 Accurate and up to date Finance files.
 Staff imprests and advances are properly registered and recovered as per the Finance Manual

 A bachelor’s degree in either Commerce, Finance or Business Administration.
 Certified or Chartered Public Accountant with a valid professional membership. 3
 At least 3 years’ experience in similar position in a field location for an INGO.
 At least 3 years of progressively responsible in budget, finance, business administration, accounting or in other relevant area of expertise.
 Previous stint of service in South Sudan will be an added advantage.

Skills and Competence: 
 Able to follow set procedures and instructions under limited supervision.
 Ability to formulate recommendations to improve accounting systems.
 Knowledge of the Sage Pastel Evolution Accounting Software,Good team player and builder
 Good communication and interpersonal skills.
 Good analytical skills with good attention to detail
 Commitment to and understanding of AAH’s values 
 Excellent team-player, resilient and self-energizing for the field posting.

AAH-I is an equal opportunity employer. Resumes, Application letters with three references (indicating day telephone number and functional email addresses) and should be sent to the HR to;
The closing date for submission of the applications shall be the 11th August, 2014 at 4:30 pm. Due to the urgency of the positions; applications will be reviewed as received and only those selected for the interviews will be contacted.


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