Action Research Interns


Action Research for increasing access to improved sanitation hardware products and services in rural areas through market based solutions.

Terms of Reference for Action Research Interns

June 2013

1.      Background

SNV is a Netherlands based international development organisation that delivers capacity development advisory services to over 2,000 clients in 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Balkans. SNV provides capacity development services to government, non-government and private sector organisations as well as to a number of regional organisations and networks on issues related to food, energy and water & sanitation. SNV’s focus is on 3 sectors most relevant to these issues: Agriculture; Renewable Energy; and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH).

SNV has been active in WASH since 1978. The programme provides technical and capacity building support to local partners from the public, private and NGO sector with the objective of increasing sustainable and equitable access to water, sanitation and hygiene in rural areas and small towns.  The WASH sector programme has a global managing director (MD) and 2 global programme coordinators.  Each country WASH programme has its own sector leader and a team of WASH advisors. 

The world is lagging behind on achieving the MDG targets on Sanitation and Hygiene. The SNV’s “Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (Rural)” program aims at increasing coverage of improved sanitation in rural areas, including schools.  The program builds upon and integrates elements of demand creation and sanitation hardware products and services development.  In most SNV Country Programs sanitation demand creation, either through community led total sanitation (CLTS) or other methods, is successfully being implemented.  On the converse, very few Country Programs have initiated robust interventions to develop supply of improved sanitation hardware products and services market required to construct improved latrines.

SNV and WEDC have established a partnership to undertake a 2 year action research (AR) to boost understanding of the sanitation markets and generate effective market based solutions for increasing access to improved sanitation hardware products and services at scale.  Unlike ‘sanitation marketing’ which in general tend to focus on marketing of specific products/services (push approach) this AR seeks to expand the repertoire and look at market improvement solutions for increasing access to a range of improved sanitation hardware products and services in rural areas. The action research is being undertaken in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.  The Action research led by an SNV research team leader (SRTL) and a WEDC knowledge partner, is implemented by Country research teams (CRTs) in each participating country.

2.      The assignment and objectives:

In order to strengthen the implementation of the action research in each participating country, SNV requires the services of a young research intern in each of the participating countries to work with the SRTL and the country action research teams to:
(1)    accelerate implementation of the action research,
(2)    generate, compile, analyse and share knowledge and new insights on sanitation markets in rural areas
(3)    identify and test some of the promising market solutions with a view to scaling up what works,
(4)    develop and submit to financiers a bankable funding proposal for mobilizing funds to scale up market solutions and increase access to improved sanitation hardware products and services in rural areas.
(5)    strengthen partnerships and collaboration with key external actors including UNICEF and WSP on development of markets for sanitation products and services in the rural areas. 

3.      The specific tasks to be accomplished and results to be achieved:

Acceleration of implementation of the action research (AR)
1.       Participate and support the CRTs in the development,  compiling and synchronizing of their work plans
2.       Support the CRTs in logistical preparations for implementation and monitoring of field activities
3.       Support the SRTL and the CRTs in organising the mid and end term review meetings.
1.       Quarterly compiled and synchronized CRT work plans.
2.       Timely logistics for undertaking and monitoring of field activities by CRTs.
3.       Timely support to undertaking of Mid- term an end term reviews
Generation, compilation, analyses and documentation of knowledge and new insights
1.       Support CRTs to compile, input, analyse and write reports on (a) sanitation market study and (b) market solutions piloting studies.
2.       Develop an information hub for storage and management of the AR information and reports.
3.       Continually scan AR information and identify  emerging new insights and knowledge and share it with the STRL and CRTs
4.        Support the STRL to document and share/publish results of the (a) sanitation market study  and (b) market solutions piloting studies.
5.       Establish and manage country level d-group and social media discussions on market based solutions on sanitation hardware products and services.
6.       Support the STRL in organising in country and cross country knowledge sharing workshops and meetings.
7.       Scan and share links with country WASH advisors on important publications and knowledge sites on market based solutions on sanitation hardware products and services
1.      Logistical and administrative support to compilation, analyses and write reports on (a) sanitation market study and (b) market solutions piloting studies provided.
2.      A knowledge hub established and AR data, reports and information stored and well managed
3.      Emerging new insights and knowledge shared with the STRL and CRTs
4.      Support to STRL to document and share/publish  results of the (a) sanitation market study  and (b) market solutions piloting studies provided.
5.      D group and socio media  (Twitter, Blogs, Facebook ) frameworks established and relevant information shared
6.      Regional and country level workshops and meetings successfully organized
7.      Links to important publications and knowledge sites on market based solutions on sanitation hardware products and service made available to advisors
Identification and testing of  some of the promising market solutions
1.       Support in the planning and logistical preparations for implementation of the field  testing of promising market solutions
2.       Participate in regular monitoring of progress of field activities, collection of data/information and provision of feedbacks.
3.       Support the CRTs in compilation, analysis and management  of field data and field reports
4.       Support the SRTL in compiling  the country AR progress updates
1.      Timely logistical support to field planning and implementation of field testing  provided
2.      Timely monitoring of field activities, collection of data and provision of feedbacks
3.       Support to CRTs in compilation, inputting, analysis and management  of field data and field reports provided
4.       AR country progress updates prepared and shred with STRL.

Development and submission to financiers a bankable funding proposal
1.       Continually scan, update and share  funding  opportunities on sanitation
2.       Support the  SRTL and CRTS in the development of the bankable proposal for scaling up promising market solutions
1.     Existing RM opportunities shared with SRTL and CRTs
2.     Support to development of a bankable proposal provided.

Strengthening partnerships and collaboration with external actors
1.       Keep contacts and follow up communication with external actors including UNICEF and WSP
2.       Support the SRTL and CRTs to convene and hold joint activities with external stakeholders including UNICEF and WSP.
3.       Continually scan and share the sanitation work and results from the key stakeholders

1.     Contacts and follow up communication with external actors including UNICEF and WSP undertaken.
2.     SRTL and CRTs supported  to convene and  hold joint activities with external stakeholders including UNICEF and WSP.
3.     Updated peer knowledge related to the promising solutions being tested regularly shared

4.       Requirements:

4.1.    Education and Work Experience:

·         BA/BSc  or MA/MSc with least 1 year  of experience in marketing  related fields/Knowledge development fields

4.2.    Specific skills

·         Joint results or solutions to a problem oriented
·         Good planning and reporting skills
·         Good marketing skills
·         Strong desire to develop knowledge and learn
·         Actively focused on achieving results and objectives
·         Good oral and written communication, analysing, writing and computer skills.
·         Good interpersonal skills

4.3.    Special requirements:

·         Local staff able to speak the local language and make field visits to collect data, monitor progress and provide feedback independently.

5.       Duration:

1 year with a possibility of extending for another half year.

6.       Duty Location:

·         SNV Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya
·         SNV Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
·         SNV Tanzania, Mwanza

7.       CV Submission Details

CV’s should be submitted by 30th July 8, 2013 at 12.00 noon to:
The WASH Sector Head:

  1. For SNV Kenya Intern:
  2. For SNV Ethiopia Intern:
  3. For SNV Tanzania Intern:


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