Post Doctoral Fellowship - Gender

About our organization
The World Agroforestry Centre (also known as the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry or ICRAF) is an independent research institution which generates science-based knowledge about the complex role trees play in agricultural landscapes and rural livelihoods. As part of the Centre’s work to bring tree-based solutions to bear on poverty and environmental problems, researchers – working in close collaboration with partners – are developing new technologies, tools and policy recommendations for increased food security and ecosystem health.

The Centre’s headquarters are located in Nairobi, Kenya, and research is conducted in 28 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We are supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and receive funding from over 50 different donors.

To learn more about our organization, please visit our website:

About the position
The Gender Post-Doctoral Fellow will be responsible for the integration of gender into ICRAF’s research management cycle. Under the supervision of the Centre Gender Focal Point, and in collaboration with Science Domains leaders, Consortium Research Programme (CRP) focal points and Regional Coordinators, the fellow will be responsible for ensuring that gender is adequately integrated into research, and that, capacity, mechanisms and structures needed to improve the quality and volume of gender-responsive research in the Centre are developed and implemented.

The fellow is also expected to collaborate with gender researchers and fellows from various CRPs where ICRAF is actively involved. The position will be based in Hanoi, Vietnam, but may involve travel to locations where ICRAF and partners conduct research.

Specific Responsibilities
·        Assist with scientific and methodological coordination of gender-responsive research across CRPs and regions where ICRAF conducts research.
·        Assist or co-lead the implementation of strategic gender research at regional, cross-regional or global levels.
·        Assist in developing a mechanism to monitor progress towards achieving the intermediate development outcomes (IDO) of CRPs, and the gender indicators at project and Consortium level.
·        Develop and maintain a network of strategic research and policy partners to address the problem of gender equity in agroforestry.
·        Develop and organize training on gender analysis for scientists and key partners.
  • Co-lead the development of gender-responsive research proposals and fundraising.

  • PhD in a field related to the subject area such as women/gender studies, development studies, sociology, anthropology and other relevant disciplines.
  • Solid background in agroforestry, agriculture, forestry, natural resource management, environmental management or related subject.
  • Sound command of methods for gender analysis.
  • Experience in developing, delivering and reporting training and review workshops.
  • Experience in proposal development and fundraising is desirable.
  • Field experience in developing countries.
  • Well organized; and able to meet deadlines.
  • Excellent written and spoken English communication skills; demonstrate excellence in written and oral presentations.
  • Knowledge of additional second language is desirable.
  • Excellent skills in synthesis and review.
  • Demonstrable ability to take initiative and complete tasks with attention to detail.
  • Competency in personal organization, priority setting, and managing multiple tasks.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills and proven ability to work collaboratively in cross-cultural contexts with other researchers and with policymakers, donors, and civil society, facilitating impact of research and capacity strengthening.
  • Values the sharing of information in a collaborative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning.
  • Willing to travel as required.

Terms of offer
We offer a collegial, diverse and gender-sensitive working environment, and we strongly encourage applications from qualified women. This position is remunerated on international terms. The appointment will be for an initial period of two (2) years, subject to a nine (9) month probation period.

How to apply

Applications will be considered until 15 August 2013 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.

Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.


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